Success for Wirteltor High School Girls’ Tennis Team at NRW Championship

The girls’ tennis team from the Wirteltor high school is the runner-up in North Rhine-Westphalia. The young team, all but one of whom can still play in the U16 age group next year, only narrowly lost in the final of the NRW championship. They did extremely well against the highly favored Hildegardis School in Hagen and even had a chance to draw with a score of 1:3.

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Coach Wolfgang Mohren, like the players Sienna Köpping, Kathrin Heidel, Leonie Klösgen, Lara Voulon and Sofia Schlaugat, was satisfied and proud after the initial disappointment. After all, reaching the state final was already a huge success for the girls. In addition, the event in Duisburg, where the state winners were determined in the seven Olympic sports of football, field hockey, judo, athletics, swimming, tennis and triathlon with over 1,400 participating students, was a great experience.

The girls from GaW qualified for the district championship in a hard-fought duel against the Stiftisches Gymnasium Düren, in which they had entered with a severely weakened squad. In the regional round, they won confident 4-0 victories against the Europaschule Kerpen, the Liebfrauenschule Eschweiler and the Albertus-Magnus-Gymnasium Bensberg. Finally, the GaW girls won the final of the North Rhine championship 3-1 against the Luisenschule Mülheim/Ruhr.

2024-06-28 06:58:34
#GaW #Düren #Vice #Champion #State #Tennis #Championship


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