Successful 3rd Annual ‘Ciudad de Isla Cristina’ Archery Trophy Brings Nearly 100 Participants Together

Nearly one hundred archers meet at the Pozo del Camino facilities to enjoy a day of competition and coexistence

The facilities of the “La Flecha Isleña” Archery Club in the Pozo del Camino neighbourhood have hosted the 3rd “Ciudad de Isla Cristina” Archery Trophy today.

The event, organised by the local club in collaboration with the City Council through the Municipal Sports Service, SMD, has brought together nearly one hundred archers from different parts of Andalusia and Extremadura, as well as from countries such as Italy and Portugal, from all divisions of shooting and archery and almost all categories, as well as athletes who have been part of the Spanish 3D Team (3D Division) in European and World Championships who have also been accompanied by their families, which has increased the number of people at the facilities.

The sporting event was attended by the mayor of the town, Jenaro Orta, and the delegate councilor for Sports, Alex Boa, who during the presentation of this event yesterday, at a press conference, highlighted “the excellent work being done.” this Club creating fans and consolidating this sport in the town” and “the excellent quality of these facilities today.”

Today, in addition to once again congratulating the island Club, and its president, Francisco Miguel Ruiz “Pope”, for “the organization of this and other tests that have taken place throughout the season”, they emphasized “the importance of sport and in this case events in which athletes from other communities or countries participate, as a tourist and promotional tool for our town”, as indicated by the mayor who once again valued this tournament in a “more than positive” way, which, as he said, ” “It is a reward for all the work our archers have been doing throughout the year.”

The president and founder of the Club also gave a “more than positive” assessment of the course in which, as he pointed out, “the participants came out very happy with the two rounds and also this weather that accompanies us today is ideal for the archers” announcing that “We are now going for the fourth edition” thanking the City Council and the SMD “for their always support for this club.”

Alex Boa, Councilor for Sports, agreed that “any sporting event held in Isla Cristina that brings together athletes from outside our town is an attraction and a driving element of tourism and the local economy and this is one of them and if we combine it with what we offer in Isla Cristina at the hospitality, hotel or gastronomic level, among other singularities, the sports tourism binomial is guaranteed.”

Regarding the Tournament, the councillor has highlighted “the quality and level of the participants” explaining that “this is a way to end a great season for a club that is already well-established in the island’s sporting world and that works very well, with humility and camaraderie, something that must be valued, as well as the magnificent facilities that they have managed to renovate and maintain and in which they have our full collaboration in everything that is always within our possibilities.”

In short, and as both the mayor and the sports councilor have once again pointed out, “this club is a reference at the Andalusian level, a reference at the provincial and national level with the sports achievements obtained and one of the most dynamic and fastest growing clubs. have experienced in a short time and this is something that all of us islanders should congratulate ourselves on.”

The competition format consisted of two rounds, one for precision and another for a 3D course with twenty-one objectives. As a novelty, and in the afternoon, a flying archery test was held at a moving target, putting an end to the day.

2024-06-29 19:09:01


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