Summer Fun with Badminton at Vennewater Badminton Heiloo

HEILOO – Various sports clubs often extend their activities over the summer holidays, but Vennewater Badminton Heiloo will continue to enjoy sports in the coming months. Both competitive players and recreational players can go there to hit a shuttle.

HEILOO – Various sports clubs often extend their activities over the summer holidays, but Vennewater Badminton Heiloo will continue to enjoy sports in the coming months. Both competitive players and recreational players can go there to hit a shuttle.

The badminton hall at Zevenhuizen offers both recreational and competitive players plenty of opportunity to play badminton in the months of July and August. In any case, badminton can be an attractive holiday activity for anyone who wants to play a relaxed and sporty game. Interested parties are therefore very welcome to try it without obligation.

Recreational times

For recreationists the playing times are: Sunday morning from 9 a.m. to 12 noon; Thursday afternoon from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM; Thursday evening from 7:30 PM to 10:30 PM. The costs are five euros each time.


For competition players the playing times are: Tuesday evening from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM; Friday evening from 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM. The costs are €7.50 (due to the use of ferry shuttles).

The bar is open at the times mentioned for enjoying a cooling drink, but also tea and coffee of course.

Vennewater Badminton Heiloo plays in the Het Vennewater sports hall, Het Zevenhuizen 46 in Heiloo. See also the website:

2024-06-18 12:09:22
#Summer #badminton #Vennewater #Badminton #Heiloo


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