Survey Reveals Job and Salary Expectations of Future Professionals in Quintana Roo

News Channel 10.- A recent study, based on a survey of more than 40 students from La Salle University and the Technological University of Cancun (UT), has revealed the job and salary expectations of future professionals. The survey included students from various majors, such as gastronomy, communication sciences, human capital management, business development in marketing and graphic design.

The results show that gastronomy students expect to earn between 10 thousand and 16 thousand pesos per month. Those who study communication sciences have salary expectations of between 7 thousand and 10 thousand pesos per month. Félix Antonio, a human capital management student, mentioned the competitiveness of his field and how difficult he believes it will be to find employment.

On the other hand, María José Sánchez, a business development student in marketing, highlighted the advantage of training in foreign languages ​​included in her degree. This, according to her, could allow her to earn up to 40 thousand pesos per month in Cancun, the main tourist center of the Yucatan Peninsula. Graphic design students expect monthly income of between 12 thousand and 18 thousand pesos.

According to INEGI data, only 37% of professionals nationwide work in areas related to their university education, a figure that drops to 13% in Quintana Roo. The average salary for those with university studies in the Mexican Caribbean is 12 thousand pesos per month, while the average general salary in the state is 7 thousand 300 pesos per month, according to the last quarter of 2023.

According to Data México, one of the factors that contributes to the fact that many professionals do not obtain employment related to their training is that 74% of the entity’s graduates have degrees in social sciences, such as law, anthropology, psychology and teaching. However, only 12% of jobs in the region are related to these areas, with the tourism sector being the main source of employment.

This disconnect between student expectations and the reality of the labour market underlines the need to better align educational provision with local labour market demand.

Source: For this!

2024-06-29 18:25:08
#Studies #reveal #university #students #Cancun #high #job #expectations


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