Támara Echegoyen, Olympic sailor: “We deserve the right to be in the pools”

Támara Echegoyen, as warm as she is strict in her schedules, faces the new “press junket” with a smile; the string of interviews the day after her appointment as Spanish flag bearer at the Paris Games, along with Marcus Cooper.

Athletes know the tradition: the most successful serve as standard bearers. It was up to Maialen Chorraut, who resigned to compete on the following day. And one day she picks up the phone and Alejandro Blanco confirms that it will be you.

It was one of the best calls I’ve ever had. It was very cordial. I have a very good relationship with Alejandro; He is also from Ourense. He explained to me the procedure and criteria that the COE followed to make the decision of who would be the flag bearer and why he proposed it to me. It wasn’t a very long call but it was very exciting.

On the other hand, it means media exposure that may be uncomfortable for you.

I have always had a very good relationship with the press. They have always treated me very well. I am aware that neither my sport nor I am popular, even though we are very successful on the battlefield. Sometimes it surprises you because you go from nothing to not even being able to pick up the phone because of the number of calls. But if that gives visibility to my sport and gives a boost to sailing, that you have more interest in it, I gladly accept it.

Does it add pressure by increasing the focus on you?

I don’t know if it’s for better or worse, there’s always been a spotlight on me at the Games, from the very first. I often had a hard time understanding that the expectations people have about my teams when facing the Games are determined by the results we’ve had. We deserve the right to be in those pools because of the results we’ve had before. And I think that when people put you in the pools, it’s because they believe that you have a chance. For me, that’s a plus. Then we’re obviously realistic with our expectations because we have more information. We balance them a bit and make them realistic. But being the flag bearer at these Games comes from what I showed in the previous ones. Therefore, it doesn’t create any pressure on the competition I’m going to do. They’re totally different things.

It is true that she won gold in London. In Rio and Tokyo, after the change of modality, she finished fourth – an extraordinary position, but also the most bitter.

It’s bitter, but for reasons that people sometimes don’t understand. It’s not because the medal is the only thing that matters, but because you went sailing to achieve a goal, and it slipped away from you. But getting an Olympic diploma is a great achievement; obviously it was bitter for me, it took me time to come to terms with it, but simply because the goal was achievable. And that’s not bad at all.

He arrives in Paris at the age of 40. How does she feel?

Certainly arriving at the Games at this age has its not-so-positive point. The physique is not the same as it was at twenty years old and you have injuries that you have to manage. But many times age and its limits are set more by society than by ourselves. With the life I lead, it is difficult to have crises.

Beyond the Games, the Olympic cycles are mentally tough, with an exhausting schedule… Will these be your last Games?

Yes, I am thinking about it and it will probably be my last Games, but there is one month left and my only dedication is to be able to achieve a result in these. When you really feel the need to seek other goals and other challenges, it is super healthy for oneself to put an end to stages that have been incredible. Olympic sailing has given me an incredible life, not only in terms of results but in terms of experiences and many other things. Clearly I am at a point in my life where I am really enjoying the Olympic campaign, but I also want to face other challenges that are not compatible with it. That is why these may be the last Games. But it is nice that one path is coming to an end and that another one is opening up in the world of high performance. And the good thing is to retire when you consider it. Sometimes people are forced to retire due to an injury, not being able to qualify or a thousand other aspects. In my case it will be my decision.

He will face this new stage with the certainty of knowing his worth, as he already demonstrated in the Tour of the World.

I have seen that I also have a place in other types of professional competitions. I see that I can contribute a lot. And to some extent many are not compatible. The Olympic campaign is almost one hundred percent exclusivity and very temporally demanding. Your calendar stops having white spaces; For me they are the rest that allows you to stay with your family and friends. They are always small spaces and when they can’t because they have another type of life. When you have been dragging that type of calendar for many years, life asks for a change. It won’t be easy if I decide to do it, but you have to be brave, closing stages to open new ones, which will bring great things.

This is her second cycle with Paula Barceló; in match racing she shared a team with Toro and Pumariega; in 49er, in Rio, with Berta Betanzos. They have spent many hours together.

It’s not always easy. But in my case I had to change partners because they didn’t let me have another. The consolidation that you get by sailing for many years with the same partner is enjoyed later. When you change a lot, after having achieved the level to continue fighting for the podiums, it’s like starting from scratch. And you don’t make it easy for us when we start from scratch because you want the results too soon. I have really enjoyed having different partners, the beginnings and reaching the top with all of them. This second cycle with Paula has been different from the first, which was against the clock, with other types of adversities, which always exist in the world of sport. The step of getting to know each other, getting to know each other and everything you need before going out to sail completely coordinated with your partner was already done. That allows you to focus on other things and makes you better in the water.

Looking ahead to the Games, the last reference: sixth in the World Cup. Everything will depend on details, the exact day, the right decision.

There are two rivals that have consolidated a lot over the last two years, which are the Swedes and the Dutch. They are surely the rivals to beat for all of us who want to be on the podium. But it’s all very close together. It is a very open race course and nothing should be taken for granted. These Olympic Games will require fighting boat to boat from the first race, without giving up. Whoever does it in the smartest way will win the medals. That’s where we are. The last part of preparation is very important and in this case I am very calm about the work that Paula and I are doing. I hope it bears fruit.

They know the Marseille regatta course well.

The wind is always unpredictable, but we travel there every year to get to know the conditions. Marseille is a very difficult, challenging course, and it often goes against everything you consider. They will put us all in a tight spot.

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2024-06-28 07:28:14
#Támara #Echegoyen #Olympic #sailor #deserve #pools


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