The 10 best countries for a road trip by car, including Italy

If you think about doing a road trip this summer for vacationthere is a list of 10 Best Countries for a Road Trip, Including Italy.
It was compiled by Kayak, a leading travel search engine, which launched its European Road Trip Index report, analyzing 31 European countries and classifying them into six different categories: Weather, Safety and Infrastructure, Costs, Traffic and Sustainability, Rental cars and Nature and places of interest.
Within these categories a total of 17 criteria, to arrive at a complete overview of the most important aspects that influence the choice of destination for a car trip.
Italy appears in ninth place among the 10 most suitable destinations for a road trip in Europe.
The first? Portugal. Let’s see the best destinations to visit by car.

The 10 best countries for a road trip, including Italy

Italy returns to the top 10, gaining ninth position in the rankings thanks to high scores obtained in relation to the density of places of interest, charging stations for electric vehicles (which favor a more sustainable mode of travel) and the amount of hours of sunshine.
Il Portugal has achieved the coveted first position as the best country in Europe for a road trip, receiving excellent ratings thanks to the quality of its streets, abundance of natural scenery and sights and car rental prices. It also scored well for its large amount of sunshine hours per year and low levels of air pollution and road traffic. We are big fans of the Rota Vicentina, perhaps the most beautiful path in Europe.

The Spain she arrived at second place after achieving high scores in similar categories. Although the Luxembourg It didn’t get the same climate score, it came in third place thanks to its stunning natural landscapes and sights. Reasonably priced car rentals, great prices on accommodation and fuel, and toll-free roads also make it less expensive to explore.

Rankings are rankings (you can see it here), for goodness sake, but they should be taken as such: Would you really trade a car trip to Italy for one to Luxembourg?
The 10 best destinations for a road trip in Europe


The best countries for a car trip

The Road Trip Index also provides an in-depth analysis of the countries that ranked at the top in each individual category. Here are some examples:

Best Country in Weather Category: Spain
The combination of low rainfall and numerous hours of sunshine makes Spain the ideal country to enjoy a sunny road trip. Greece took second place, followed by Portugal and Türkiye.

Best country in the Security and Infrastructure category: Switzerland
Countries that received a good score in this category have fewer car accidents and good roads. Switzerland took first place, followed by other countries with excellent scores such as the Netherlands, Germany, Austria and Sweden.

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Best Country in the Traffic and Sustainability category: Holland
This category includes criteria that affect driving conditions such as air pollution, traffic and the number of cars per 1,000 inhabitants. It also takes into account the number of electric vehicle charging stations for those renting an eco-friendly car. The Netherlands took first place, followed by Norway, Finland, Iceland and Sweden.

Best Country in the Car Rental Category: Slovakia
This category is based not only on car rental prices, but also on car rental company ratings. Slovakia ranked first due to its affordable car rental prices (second only to Ukraine) and excellent car rental company ratings. Lithuania, Slovenia, Romania and Poland round out the top 5.

Best Country in the Nature and Landmarks category: Switzerland
This category includes two criteria that often come to mind when thinking about a road trip: the allure of the country’s natural landscape and the number of UNESCO World Heritage sites. In this, Switzerland takes the lead with its majestic mountains, lakes and forests, but it should be noted that it is also the third country in Europe in terms of the number of UNESCO World Heritage sites in relation to its surface area. Luxembourg takes second place, followed by Austria, Portugal and Slovenia.

[Photo by julie aagaard from Pexels]


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2024-06-28 10:26:48
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