The 5 reasons to eat watermelon during the summer

Eating watermelon in summer is always a pleasure: fresh, rich in water and mineral salts, low in calories and perfect for replenishing after physical activity. Loved by adults and children, watermelon (which we recently compared to melon) is the fruit of summer and is characterized by beneficial properties that are often underestimated. Below we’ll outline the top five reasons to enjoy a juicy slice of watermelon during the hottest, muggiest days of the year.

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Satisfying and doesn’t make you fat

Watermelon is composed almost exclusively of water (90-95%), but is still substantial and very sweet. It is therefore a fruit characterized by a notable satiating power, which if taken in the afternoon or mid-morning can reduce the feeling of hunger with meals.

Watermelon helps us eat less and is also low in calories: 300 grams (a large slice without the peel) corresponds to about 90 calories, a very low amount compared to many sugarier fruits. In fact, dieticians often recommend watermelon to those who are following a weight-loss diet during the summer.

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It is an excellent source of potassium

100 grams of watermelon contain approximately 112 mg of potassium, which is one of the minerals most present in our body. For this reason, watermelon contributes to purification and kidneys from toxins and reduces the risk of having kidney stones. But not only that: potassium is a vasodilator, lowers blood pressure, reduces cholesterol (therefore the heart smiles) and is good for blood circulation.

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It’s good for the eyes

Maybe not everyone knows it, but watermelon is rich in LUTEIN. It is a natural substance that humans cannot synthesize and must therefore take in through food. This chemical element, belonging to the Xanthophyll group, helps keep the eye “young” and prevents age-related diseases such as glucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration.

Also bringing benefits from this point of view are beta-carotene and vitamin C, contained in good doses in the fruit in question.

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It’s perfect after workouts

Aside from the fact that it is fresh and tasty, watermelon is the perfect fruit for an athlete who returns tired and exhausted from training. Why? First of all, it replenishes the fluids lost through sports and contains electrolytes that are important for nerves and hydration. Furthermore, watermelon provides our body with a series of essential elements after an effort (especially in the summer heat): vitamin C, vitamin B5 (important in metabolism and cholesterol synthesis), vitamin A, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Finally, this fruit helps muscle recovery due to glycogen and increases the production of nitric oxide, which improves endurance during sports (it allows us to use oxygen better).

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Keeps cellulite away

Being an excellent source of water, watermelon is hydrating and has diuretic effects. For this reason, excess liquids are expelled, water retention goes away and the circulatory system smiles.

All of this is ideal for avoiding dealing with cellulite, which consists of the increase in fat cells in areas such as the buttocks, hips and thighs.

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


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2024-06-28 10:31:03
#reasons #eat #watermelon #summer


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