“The best France has to offer”: Clément Turpin, the referee who is a hit abroad

“I know he’s going to be terribly angry with me.” It is Monday May 27 and in a few hours, the FFF will publish its annual ranking of federal referees, which for the second season in a row places François Letexier in first place, and records the relegation to third position of Clément Turpin behind Benoît Bastien . The president of the Federal Arbitration Commission, Éric Borghini, sighs: “It’s a matter of a hair’s breadth, but I know he’s going to be very angry with me. That said, I also think that Clément Turpin will have the rage in his heart to regain his first place. » His place as eternal young first, even, since the man swept aside all Alain Sars’ precocity records by arriving, at barely 26 years old, in Ligue 1, during the summer of 2008, to win his French whistle leader stripes.


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