The Birth of a Multifunctional Space: Cantù Arena, Where Sport, Technology, and Innovation Meet

There is a world behind the Arena that will be born in Corso Europa in Cantù. A world made of sport, technology and great innovation. Not “just” a sports hall. It will be a multifunctional space since this is the model that guarantees the economic sustainability of these complexes; in fact, the facility will be usable not only for the Pallacanestro Cantù basketball championship but also for music shows; Congresses & Conventions, Family shows, and other sporting or entertainment events. There are also refreshment areas (bar/restaurant) open 365 days a year. In other words, Cantù Arena will be another piece of the city, liveable, usable, aggregating.

And to carry out a project of this kind, some of the most important companies at a national level have taken to the field, to refer to sporting terminology.

Acinque Innovazione, a company of the Acinque group, is one of these. We talked about it with Stefano Cetti, CEO of the group.

What will your role be, Dr. Cetti?

Acinque Innovazione will participate with an investment of approximately 7.5 million euros and a plant management and maintenance contract for 20 years

You are a technical partner in the Cantù Arena operation, the construction site has already started, when will your specialists arrive on the scene?

The construction site started in March regarding the demolition works and the construction of underground utility infrastructures. We will enter the scene in these days since our intervention is expected, according to the pre-established timetable, in this month of June 2024. In fact, from the beginning we have taken to the field because we are called to provide technical assistance with respect to construction works and infrastructural and then we will deal with the creation of technological sub-services (drinking water; electricity supply; and so on. The massive plant intervention is expected from November 2024 and then continue in the various phases in 2025 and conclude in spring 2026

Acinque’s contribution takes place in the name of efficiency and sustainability: in which sectors or functions of the complex future?

Performance of the structure, efficiency, lighting, heating. Acinque Innovazione, a company of the Acinque group, is in fact entrusted with the construction of the technological systems for the production and distribution of electrical, thermal and refrigeration energy using advanced, high-efficiency systems which will include a combination of heat pumps and photovoltaic systems; the project includes air treatment systems with summer and winter heat recovery and also electric charging stations in the car park.

From an installation point of view, give us some numbers (solar panels, LED bulbs…)

The intervention involves the installation of 440 photovoltaic panels with a power of 450W each for a total photovoltaic field of 198 kWp; this change occurred in recent weeks because over time the technology has advanced and with the same BDG, panels can be found with better performances compared to the 2022 start date of the evaluations.

Let’s imagine it is a latest generation technology.

Absolutely yes. All indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures will be of the LED type with optimization of the luminous flux; the lighting of the playing area will follow the most recent and restrictive FIP/FIBA regulations, providing for the highest level of quality and environmental sustainability standards. LED lamps strongly reduce emissions and guarantee better performance: it is a concrete example of applied sustainability. The LEDs will be of different types, distributed as follows: Training ground: 24 lights; Common areas: 1030 devices; Playing field: 62 lights; External areas: 68 street lamps (poles + lamp body).

An all-round commitment from a technological point of view. But there is not only technical involvement.

We don’t just put in our know-how, skills and technical abilities. For Acinque, collaborating on the construction of the basketball arena, a sporting jewel to which the local communities are closely linked and which has brought prestige to Cantù, is characteristic of our way of interpreting our presence in the territory, of our way of generating value and contributing to accompanying its growth , with the ambition of making it a model of innovation and energy transition. The new energy culture, in our opinion, passes right through our medium-small cities. And in this project there is all our vocation to rooting and the sense of belonging to our territories.


2024-06-21 20:54:16
#ACINQUE #Lets #give #energy #territory


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