the Blues “gain confidence in themselves” according to Hervé Renard

On the eve of facing England in a qualifying match for Euro 2025, Hervé Renard takes stock of his squad which is gaining confidence.

From match to match, the Blues “gain confidence in themselves” thanks to a “more united group”confided Monday the coach of the France team Hervé Renard, on the eve of meeting England on Tuesday in qualifying for Euro-2025.

“It’s a group which today – thanks to its success against Brazil in the World Cup, the disappointment of elimination against Australia, and having beaten Germany and Sweden – is gaining confidence”explained Hervé Renard, and “trust is important to move forward and solidarity is created on trust”.

“The group is more united and has worked very well from the start. As is often the case in football, it takes time for everything to fall into place, there is something strong that is being created, we have to reach the + very strong level + to reach the summits”developed the technician, before meeting England on Tuesday, vice-world champion and reigning European champion, whom the Blues beat on Friday (2-1).

Everyone will be able

Tuesday evening, all the players will be fit to start, according to the coach, including Grace Geyoro, who suffered a broken finger last week and who did not play on Friday. This is also the case for Wendie Renard, who had to leave the field for a few moments at Newcastle after taking the ball in the face.

“They all recovered well, this was the essential element of the 48 hours which followed the match. They are all fit”, explained Hervé Renard, who will have to “eliminate” one of the 24 players because only 23 can be part of the match sheet. He will field “the team that is the most energetic”, but could make “two or three turnovers”, he said.


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