The Como 1907 Digital Sport Academy is born

The “Como 1907 Digital Sport Academy” was officially inaugurated, an innovative training project aimed at students, young people and future professionals in the sports business sector. SENT Academy, Como 1907 and AWE Sport Education collaborate to achieve a shared goal: building a bridge between young people who aspire to work in the sports industry and sports organizations looking for new talent.

The project – The new reality, aimed at boys and girls residing in the Lombardy Region, is a gateway for young people who dream of a career in the sports industry. Thanks to a one-of-a-kind training plan, developed and managed by AWE Sport Education, the boys and girls who participate in the Como 1907 Digital Sport Academy will be able to receive, completely free of charge, quality, smart and game-based training . The presence of digital spaces created specifically will allow members to delve into increasingly current issues with a cutting-edge approach. Through quizzes, interactive content and tests to test the level of learning, participants will be able to demonstrate their value and obtain concrete job opportunities in this sector. The boys and girls who join this project – up to a maximum number of 300 people – will first be trained and subsequently tested on 12 subjects: Sport Law, Sport Governance, Sport Tourism, Sport Marketing, Sponsorship, Fan Experience, “Sport For Good”, E-Sport, Sport Equipment, Event Management, Media, Sport Finance.

Future opportunities and prizes – At the end of the courses, the five kids who obtain the highest score will have the opportunity to have an interview with the Como club. But that’s not all, because they will also win the chance to experience a whole day at the Mozzate sports centre, during which they will be able to watch training and take part in a “meet and greet” session with the players of the Como 1907 first team. Furthermore, the student who obtains the highest score for each of the twelve subjects will receive a club competition kit (shirt, shorts and socks) as a prize.

Method – The learning process is developed around the AKTO Play Your Future app, where young people will have access to a vast catalogue of video content (over 400), enriched by interactive tests that will stimulate their involvement and learning. At the end of the training course, students will have acquired a general orientation on the different sectors of the sports industry, on the various dynamics and on the existing professional opportunities. Thanks to this preparation, young people will be ready to get involved and start their professional path, bringing new ideas and, consequently, added value to the entire sports system. The project will be active until August 31st.

Giorgio Chiellini, partner and ambassador of AWE Sport Education: “I have always strongly believed in the value of training. I am sure that the Como 1907 Digital Sport Academy will be able to help, in a concrete way, many young people realize their dream of working in the Sports Industry. It is a valuable project that qualifies the sports sector, offering precious opportunities to many young people”.

Francesco Terrazzani, CEO of Como 1907: “Thanks to the collaboration with AWE Sport Education, we are proud to offer the children of the Como community the opportunity to access an innovative digital academy. This program aims to support young people in their dream of working in the world of sport, offering them access to courses dear to us such as Sport Tourism and Sport For Good, as well as Sponsorship and Marketing. The opportunity, for those who stand out, of an internship within the Como 1907 environment represents a concrete opportunity for young talents eager to be part of this industry. Our ongoing commitment to the community and supporting local talent reflects our desire to generate ever-increasing positive social impact.”

Beniamino Savio, CEO of AWE Sport Education: “AWE Sport Education is a unique training company of its kind, created to make a difference in the sports sector and to create concrete opportunities for all young enthusiasts. The Como 1907 Digital Sport Academy represents a further important step forward in this ambitious journey. We are proud to collaborate with a club of such extraordinary vision. I wish all the participants to learn, to have fun and of course to be able to turn their passion for sport into a career full of satisfactions.”

2024-06-24 10:14:00
#Como #Digital #Sport #Academy #born


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