The cyclist’s habits change depending on the level he aspires to.

The cyclist’s habits change depending on the level he aspires to.

Professional cycling is a highly demanding sport, both physically and mentally, that requires meticulous preparation in several aspects. That is why stars depend not only on their skills and endurance, but also on a series of habits, a specific diet and rigorous training that optimize their performance. Below, we will tell you some fundamental elements that elite cyclists must consider in order to reach their maximum potential.

Some habits that make a difference for the cyclist

In the same way that online casinos offer 10 euros free no deposit bonuses to attract new players and thus maximize the chances of winning, professional cyclists should also take advantage of every opportunity to do so. In this context, rest is crucial. By doing so, the body repairs damaged tissues, strengthens muscles, and also recharges energy. It is advisable to sleep between 8 and 10 hours a day, in addition to incorporating short naps of between 20 to 30 minutes during the day.

Another aspect to consider is hydration: it is key to maintaining performance and health. During physical activity, a large amount of fluid is lost through sweat, so it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water a day, and increase this amount during and after intense workouts. For high-level athletes, isotonic drinks can be useful to replace lost electrolytes. Even so, it should be said that they must constantly monitor their physical condition. This includes regular performance testing, medical checkups and body composition analysis.

The collection of all this data allows training and diet to be adjusted according to the needs of each individual and, consequently, overtraining is avoided.

What should an elite athlete take into account in their diet?

A balanced diet is essential to ensure that cyclists get the energy they need to train and compete. Some of the essential foods are as follows.

Carbohydrates are positioned as the main source of energy for cyclists, so for a balanced diet, they should make up approximately 60-70% of the daily caloric intake. Options such as pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables are an excellent choice.

Proteins: they are essential for muscle repair and growth and their intake should be around 15-20% of daily calories. Good sources of protein include lean meat, fish, eggs and legumes.
Although in smaller amounts, fats are also necessary for a balanced diet: they should represent around 20-25% of what you eat per day. Avocado and nuts can be your best allies.
Micronutrients and supplements

In addition to the macronutrients mentioned in the previous section, micronutrients such as vitamins and minerals also play a crucial role in health and performance. Iron, calcium and magnesium are especially important for athletes. In some cases, these can be used to cover all nutritional needs, but remember that they should always be taken under the supervision of a medical professional.

Pre and post training nutrition

Correct nutrition before and after training is essential to both maximize performance and recovery.

In the pre-workout, it is recommended to consume a meal rich in carbohydrates and low in fat approximately 2-3 hours beforehand. This can include a plate of pasta with vegetables or a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread.
After exercise, it is vital to replenish glycogen stores and provide the body with the nutrients necessary for recovery. This is why a combination of carbohydrates and protein within 30 minutes of finishing is ideal. A banana smoothie or a bowl of rice with chicken are good options.

Different types of effective training

The foundation of training for elite cyclists is endurance. Long-duration training sessions at a steady pace improve aerobic capacity and cardiovascular efficiency, so they can range from 2/3 hour rides to longer 5/6 hour outings. Remember that it is important to maintain a moderate intensity to build a solid endurance base.

On the other hand, interval training serves to improve speed and power. They consist of periods of maximum effort, followed by recovery periods. For example, you can include 5 repetitions of 5 minutes at high intensity with 2 minutes of recovery between each one. This type helps improve anaerobic capacity and lactate resistance. Likewise, muscle strengthening is crucial to improving performance and preventing injuries, so strength training sessions should be included two to three times a week, focusing on exercises for the legs, heart and upper body. of the body. Squats, deadlifts, planks and push-ups are highly recommended.

Finally, it is worth mentioning active recovery. This involves doing low-intensity activities to help muscle recovery without overloading the body. In this context, cycling at a very gentle pace, doing yoga or some type of stretching are good practices that help improve flexibility and reduce muscle stiffness.

2024-06-25 12:13:13
#cyclists #habits #change #depending #level #aspires


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