The Evolution of the Rimouski Women’s Softball League: Introducing Baseball ID Women’s Softball League

©Photo Facebook – Rimouski Women’s Softball – Baseball ID

The friendly league was created in 2017.

The Rimouski women’s softball league becomes the Baseball ID Women’s Softball League.

This is a friendly league, which was created in 2017 and has more than 630 registrations to its credit. Each season, 6 to 8 teams, or about a hundred regular and replacement players, share the baseball field located in Saint-Anaclet de Lessard. These women meet 3 days a week to play 2 games of 6 innings. The games are supervised by 2 referees, according to the regulations and vision of softball Québec, with whom the league has been registered since the 2019 season.

“The league’s ideology is to promote a positive, friendly and unifying place where women can practice their favorite sport in complete safety. We offer them a friendly place and a time during which they can have fun and show team spirit. An association with a pillar company in the region, such as Baseball ID, is an advantage for our organization, both in terms of vision, player development and equipment upgrades. Women and fans can discover an ideal place to develop their skills and obtain quality items,” the organization said in a press release.

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2024-06-27 19:06:04
#womens #softball #league


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