The FAB Gala: Celebrating Success in Almería Basketball

The FAB Gala was at the UAL.

Award for LA VOZ de Almería and CADENA SER.

The Almeria basketball festival was very well received.

Award to Elena Gomes.

Award to the veteran referee of the province.

The Gala was a complete success.

José Cara giving the award to the Roquetas player.

The two great representatives of basketball and Almeria sports.

With the champions trophy.

The FAB Gala was at UAL.

Award for LA VOZ de Almería and CADENA SER.

The Almeria basketball festival was very well received.

Award to Elena Gomes.

Award for the province’s veteran referee.

The Gala was a great success.

José Cara giving the award to the Roquetas player.

The two great representatives of basketball and sport in Almería.

With the champions trophy.

The FAB Gala was at UAL.


A spectacular day at the University of Almería (UAL), where the Almería Basketball Gala was held, which was a marvel thanks to the perfect organisation by the Almería Basketball Federation with its president Cara in charge of everything and its magnificent board of directors that has been doing an outstanding job for many campaigns now.

Basketball in Almería, both in the capital and in the province, continues to grow and the Gala for the end of the 23-24 season served to confirm the excellent state of health that the sport of basketball has been in over the last few seasons. Basketball in Almería has no ceiling and a very bright future because there is a academy of young athletes who dream of going very far in the world of basketball.

A large

Maestro Pepe Nieto, a phenomenon, presented a five-star sporting event with a youth team that does not stop growing season after season.

It is clear that basketball in Almería is booming and the Almería Basketball Federation wants to continue progressing with first-class facilities. The teams with their youth players were the main protagonists of the afternoon at the University of Almería, where LA VOZ was awarded for its support of the sport of basketball.

President Cara took stock of a very good season in which the objectives have been achieved. The delegate of the Almería Basketball Federation is ambitious and wants more and better basketball in the following seasons in which, once again, the little ones will be the stars and great protagonists of basketball.

“We must manage to expand the number of federated sports licenses and continue growing as we do every year. That is the way. We must also continue promoting women’s basketball, especially in adults,” recalls Cara, a president with great enthusiasm and strength so that the sport of basket in Almería continues to grow without stopping year after year. The sport of basket ball is in good hands with Cara at the helm.

2024-06-28 18:08:36
#Basketball #Gala #marvel #UAL #Sports


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