“The highest pump track in France” must be delivered “before the Tour de France” to Isola 2000

The first bend is finally visible. At the site of the former Isola 2000 hill reservoir, work on the pump track is progressing well.

In a few weeks – “, assures the mayor, Mylène Agnelli – this brand new installation made up of bumps and steep turns to be practiced on skateboard, roller skates, bike or scooter, should be delivered.

Even if, the elected official recognizes, the work “was delayed because of the weather”. During a site visit this Thursday, June 13, she was able to appreciate the progress of the construction of what will be, “by this summer, the highest pump track in France”.

Summer, like winter

The loop track “will be accessible to visitors, residents, mountain bike, skate and scooter clubs, and even, during the winter, snowboarders and skiers”specifies the station on its Facebook page.

Voted in 2022 by the elected representatives of Isol, the pump track is displayed as one of the tools “of the overall development strategy of the municipality, by offering new sporting and tourist activities”summarizes the deliberation.

Amounting to 349,000 euros, the equipment was able to benefit, for more than half, from a subsidy from the National Sports Agency.


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