The Hundred Guineas Jug reaches seven Catalan cities

There are just over two months left until Barcelona becomes the world capital of nautical and world sport thanks to the celebration of the 37th edition of the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup. After the launch of the new AC75 of the five Challengers, which already sail through the waters of the Front Maritim, the presence of the most important regatta on the planet in the Catalan capital is being felt more every day.

The next landing of the defending team, Emirates Team New Zealand aboard his brand new AC75 Taihoro, and the arrival to Catalan lands of the ‘Auld Mug’, the centenary silver ewer on which the oldest sporting event on the planet revolves, will certify that long-awaited moment in which, after more than Two years since Barcelona was designated as the venue for the 37th Louis Vuitton America’s Cup, each and every one of the essential elements for its celebration will be ready.

Faithful to its commitment to bringing the 173 years of history of the event to citizens, the organizing entity America’s Cup Event (ACE) has scheduled, in collaboration with the Generalitat of Catalonia and local yacht clubs, an exhibition tour of the trophy originally known as the “100-pound Jug.”

For Grant Dalton, CEO of America’s Cup Event, bringing one of the world’s oldest and most iconic trophies to yacht clubs is essential to educate and inspire the next generation of sailors. “The America’s Cup is the pinnacle sailing event worldwide, and the 37th edition of the Event is held at the doors of the people of Catalonia, so being able to bring this iconic trophy to the yacht clubs is truly special. “.

Between June 25 and July 1, the official ‘Trophy Tour’ of the 37th edition of the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup will stop in seven cities on the Catalan coast on a tour, which will begin in L’Escala on Tuesday, June 25. Next, the famous silver ewer will stop at the ports and yacht clubs of Palamós, Vilassar de Mar, Sitges, Tarragona and Cambrils, before embarking on its return journey to Barcelona, ​​where it will be displayed along with the other three trophies of the official regattas of the 37th Louis Vuitton Cup: the Puig Women’s America’s Cup, the UniCredit Youth America’s Cup and the Louis Vuitton Cup.

During its journey, the presidents of each club and local authorities will welcome the trophy and ACE representatives. The various activities planned on and off the water by each club include a sailing exhibition for sailors with disabilities in The Scaleas well as various training regattas for the Optimist and Laser classes inspired by the America’s Cup.

In addition, in each destination, an outreach space will be installed, made up of four areas, where citizens will be able to enjoy an immersive experience for free and emulate the best sailors in the world at the controls of a simulator, while learning the history and other key aspects of the competition such as the roles within the crews, the specifications and technology of the AC75, or the celebration of the first women’s regatta in history, the Puig Women’s America’s Cup and the UniCredit Youth regatta for young people America’s Cup.

With the lighthouses, beaches and cliffs of the Catalan coast as a canvas and the sung fish auctions as a soundtrack, the visit to the oldest trophy in the world will become a recognition of the neighborhoods and fishing villages of Catalonia, which are will be specially decorated to receive the 100 Guinea Jug in a cultural exchange that will have the sea and its people as the main protagonist.

Local gastronomy will also have a prominent role in the America’s Cup Trophy Tour on the occasion of the designation of Catalonia as the first territory in Europe to be distinguished as World Gastronomy Region of the year 2025. A complete recognition of the dedication of these territories in favor of traditions, landscape, culture and history, maintaining and promoting the seafaring look that makes them unique.

37ª Louis Vuitton America’s Cup Trophy Tour:

June 25: L’Escala
June 26: Palamós
June 27: Vilassar de Mar
June 28: Sitges
June 29: Tarragona
June 30: Cambrils
July 1: Barcelona

The old cup

The America’s Cup is one of the oldest and most prestigious trophies in the world of sports. Initially known as the ‘Royal Yacht Squadron £100 Cup (RYS £100 Cup)’, it was designed in 1848 by Edmund Cotterill, one of the appointed royal goldsmiths of the London workshop Messrs. R&S Garrard, of Panton Street.

After having acquired the trophy in 1848 on mere speculation, its first owner, the Marquis of Anglesey, donated it to the Royal Yacht Squadron in Cowes, England, on the occasion of a regatta around the Isle of Wight held within the framework of the Great Exhibition of 1851 Prince Albert. The purpose was none other than to attract international participation, particularly from the United States and even Russia, in the regatta.

Unlike traditional goblets, the silver ewer was designed as a cylindrical silver vessel, open at both ends and unable to hold liquids, with a height of 27 inches (approximately 69 cm), a body circumference of 36 inches (approximately 69 cm). approximately 91 cm), a 24-inch base (approximately 61 cm) and a weight of 134 ounces (approximately 3.8 kg).

After the victory of the schooner America in the first race on August 22, 1851—which motivated the famous “Madam, there is no second place” from Queen Victoria’s signal master on the royal yacht Victoria & Albert—the Cup was awarded to the six owners of the America, who proudly took it back to New York to display at various celebratory dinners, most famously at the Astor House Hotel in 1851.

Fortunately, after discarding the idea of ​​melting it down to create commemorative medals, in 1857, George Schuyler, one of the surviving members of the America union, renamed the trophy the America’s Cup before transferring its custody to the New York Yacht Club as “a challenge cup.” “perpetual for friendly competition between nations” under a strict series of conditions established in the Deed of Gift of the America’s Cup. This marked the beginning of the 37 subsequent editions of a unique event that embodies the spirit of the competition.

2024-06-03 07:58:43
#Guineas #Jug #reaches #Catalan #cities


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