The Importance of Self-Defense Training in Times of Conflict: A Call to Action in Uruguay

At the end of the 1950s and the beginning of the following decade, Uruguay experienced a wave of anti-Semitic attacks.

In the neighborhoods of Montevideo with a high Jewish population, they cut off the faces of domestic servants who worked in Jewish homes. Young Jewish girls had to be accompanied at night, especially those leaving Jewish youth institutions.

This motivated a well-known martial arts teacher, secretly because the surprise factor was also important, to give judo and self-defense courses to those of us who were then “bogrim” (graduates, between 16 and 19 years old) of these institutions.

I remember the first fundamental thing we were taught was that judo is fundamentally about exploiting your opponent’s strengths, not about showing your own weaknesses.

Exploiting the opponent’s strength is the basic science of judo, but hiding our weaknesses is the ABC of everything we do in our lives, with the sole exception of telling them to a psychologist or psychoanalyst when necessary.

We are at war, as of last October 8, a declared, official war against Hamas and other terrorist organizations in Gaza, but also a real and ancient war against many other enemies, which cannot be officially declared but which is greater in volume than fighting fifty or one hundred thousand terrorists surrounded by our army inside Gaza. We are referring to Hezbollah, Houthis, other tentacles of Iran’s terrorism, and more indirectly the anti-Semitism of many other countries (their peoples and/or governments).

If we analyze the weapons used by our enemy in this conflict, we will see the following:

    • Classic weapons, some of them “homemade” or “handmade”, which does not make them any less deadly. We are talking about rifles, submachine guns, pistols, anti-tank weapons, explosives of various shapes and volumes, and long-range projectiles.
    • Thanks to the generosity of the Iranian government, more perfect, sophisticated, precise and dangerous long-range missiles are also being developed, as well as drones, both airborne and sea-based, but very effective when detonated on Israeli soil.
    • But the deadliest weapons, the ones that do us the most harm, and that our government cannot yet confront, are the ones it taught us when we were sixteen years old and had no way of being armed: Exploit the enemy’s strengths and hide our weaknesses.

We may win battles militarily, but they win the war by maximizing our strengths and weaknesses.

They take advantage of our physical strength because the more our army fights, the more of our soldiers die.

They exploit our moral powers by holding dead or alive hostages because they know the value we place on the lives and bodies of the fallen, while they place ZERO value on them.

They exploit our weaknesses. They laugh at us and our codes of ethics and morals, and they wait because they know that by waiting they will see us fall, and they are not in a hurry, they wait. They demand that we release thousands of murderers because they know that because of our moral values ​​we will say yes.

In the meantime, we all make our weaknesses public:
we show that we disagree about the hostages;
we show that we are divided in politics;
we show that we are divided in religion (attitude laws)
we show that we are at odds with our allies;
we show that anti-Semitism is enormous worldwide;
We show that we cannot even silence the media that tars us every day;
We show that we are fragile in relation to institutions like the UN and the International Criminal Court;
we show that we cannot even take action against UNWRA;
We show that the UN armies are not helping us northern border (Lebanon) and the southern border (Sinai), or rather Help our enemies.

SOLUTIONS – The first and essential is Netanyahu’s resignation and forming a government of national unity. This has already been seen to be impossible as long as Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu governs, the person mainly responsible for October 7, the person responsible for the existence of so many parties formed by people who because of him had to abandon the Likud party, the person responsible for the Likud party today itself does not have a clear line but rather there is a lot of internal division that is clearly visible, as is the example of Minister Gallant, who is responsible for including the worst of Israeli politics in the government coalition, which is the extremely extreme right, and who Even someone who could not be a minister due to a legal veto due to his background has enough strength to demand atrocities, threatening to tear down the coalition. By having a unity government without Netanjahu, we will also achieve the full support of our allies, and without the slightest doubt there will also be support from many who are against us today.

The second is that the war is directed by a special committee of no more than three members, all of whom have military experience but are not dependent on the political government.

The third is to separate the government from military action and concentrate on what is related to what helps the military, leaving aside the discussion of laws that have nothing to do with war and which can be referred to, when peace prevails, not let them divide the people at times when they should be united.

The fourth depends on compliance with applicable laws: without discussion, because it is required by law, EVERY citizen who is physically fit and of the required age must perform military service. It must be respected that the law is the same for all in a democracy and anyone who does not comply is an attack on democracy, for which there are penalties established by law. In times of war, this inequality worsens the situation.

The fifth is to eliminate all ministers without portfolios and appoint a Ministry of “Hasbara”, Enlightenment and Propaganda, which will be responsible for bringing legal action against all foreign or national media that use defamation and lies against our country. It is shameful that those of us in private journalism who fight against the negative propaganda of our enemies are carrying out enlightenment, unfortunately with good results.

Lastly, do not give a single cent to any organization belonging to the HIM as long as their armies on our borders do not do something effective to protect us, and as long as they do not completely close down UNWRA and the maintenance of “Palestinian refugee” camps in different countries. Eliminating the mechanism of inheriting refugee status that only Palestinians have, there would remain a few refugees from 1948, who would have the right to return to live in the West Bank or Gaza, under a government that will not be that of Israel.

A proverb says: The first step doesn’t get you where you want to go, but it gets you out of where you are. That is why we must take the first step, which is the resignation of Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister, to make everything else possible, which in other words is also the case back to normal.

Mauricio Aliskevicius.

2024-06-23 18:26:01
#deadly #weapons #enemies


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