The Inspirational Story of Christopher Bess: The Young Coach Taking the Internet by Storm

What began as a kind honor to his father ended up marking his entire life. The story of Christopher Bess, 4 years old, has fallen in love with many people who have seen him in his videos on social networks.

And the little boy not only gets into his role as “coach” of a basketball team to imitate his father, Reginald Bess, who coaches students at Tarboro University, in North Carolina.

Although the child athlete caught everyone’s attention with his viral video in which he gives a speech to encourage his father’s basketball team, he has now returned to the headlines because he was recognized on networks as the “Youth Coach of the Year 2024 ”.

This has led Christopher to have his own Instagram account, where he has more than 280 thousand followers and where his father records him doing training tactics, exercises and other tasks of a coach.

What does Christopher Bess’s father think?

For Reginald Bess, the fact that his son has attracted attention for this reason is a source of total pride and he agrees to continue the furor.

“I feel like, as a black kid, it’s having a big impact. It’s positive to see him because he is a good boy. He always laughs, he is always smiling and if he sees someone who doesn’t have a smile in the house, he asks them: ‘What’s wrong?’” The coach said in a talk with ‘ESPN’ in February.

Other basketball coaches have also noticed Chris’ presence at games, and according to his father, they treat him with respect.

Christopher Bess’s viral videos

In most of the videos of the ‘smallest coach in the world’, he appears with his whiteboard, which he always has on hand to write down the plays, with his reactions while the game is happening and, of course, when his team scores.

2024-06-24 21:16:50
#4yearold #boy #VIRAL #fun #VIDEO #coaches #basketball #team


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