The Journey of MMA Fighter Alix Jeanguillaume: From Judo to MMA, Music, and Community Building


Julien Berrier

Published on June 22, 2024 at 8:00 a.m. See my news Follow Voix du Jura

Last Saturday, June 8, in Toulouse, Alix Jeanguillaume lost her fight in the first round by submission against the Ukrainian Mikola Martinyuk. “I still have a bit of a sore throat. » But nothing to discourage the tough guy that is the Muscadian.

A mentality ready for any test which was forged from his childhood, notably at the Mouchard judo club.

Before I was ten, I was already competing. Defeat is part of sport, part of the learning process. It takes a toll on your morale but you come out of it stronger. I’ve always been a tough guy, I get knocked out, I get back up. I lost on Saturday, I’m already back in training

Alix Jeanguillaume

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A strong Jura connection

Alix Jeanguillaume was born in Besançon in 1987 but grew up in Mouchard. Jura and Franche-Comté origins that he always wears with pride, as can be seen in the flags attached to his garage converted into a gym. “I like Snitch. Here, I have everything, I am attached to it. There is my sister, my friends, my parents live across the street. It’s important to me to represent where you come from. From start to finish, I will be there. »

La Stache has a funny side, but be careful, I’m not here to laugh

Alix Jeanguillaume

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A Franche-Comté attachment present in his nickname. Indeed, for MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fans, the Muscadian is known by the nickname La Stache, in reference to his mustache.

La Stache is a little crazy with my manager. I grew this mustache during Covid in homage to my father and my ancestors who wore it. It’s a sort of Franche-Comté tradition. It’s a little bit of pride, I’m an outcast: even my father doesn’t know about it. It’s a reference to him

Alix Jeanguillaume

A nickname far from the stereotypes of fighters more often called “the Scrubber, the Undertaker, the Killer…”, he quips. “La Stache has a funny side, but be careful, I’m not here to laugh. »

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« Turbulent »

“I started judo because I was a turbulent boy and my parents pushed me to do it. Anyway, here, it was either football or judo. » Then, head to the hope center in Besançon. It is there that Alix will open up to other martial arts: wrestling, karate, kempo… MMA, which mixes all these disciplines, therefore seemed the logical next step for the athlete.

The trigger? In 2009, I had a serious accident when arriving in Lyon. I gained a lot of weight and I no longer fit into my weight categories in judo

Alix Jeanguillaume

Little by little, the flame for judo disappears and muay-thai then pankration (martial art used by gladiators and ancestor of MMA in France) take over in his life. “There is greater freedom of expression in these sports than in judo. »

The Jura native has set himself the goal of fighting for another four years until he is 40 and succeeding in joining the highest possible ranks. “Before, I did several sports at the same time. Now I only focus on MMA. For the end of the year, I have a goal of two fights. »

At the end of his sporting career, the Jura native will continue to make a living from sport. “I live sport. I coach competitors, people with pathologies… Coaching is something that I will develop after my sporting career. »

From violin to metal

Music also occupies an entire place in his personality. He practiced the violin for fifteen years in Arbois. “My grandfather was a luthier in his spare time. I always watched him make his violins. One day, I had my violin and I made the cat’s ears squeak and the parents’ ears bleed,” he laughs.

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But it is in the metal that it will leave the most traces. For more than ten years, he was the singer of In Arkadia.

It was more or less ecstasy. We had one goal: to cap everyone. Everyone hated us. We were the little young people outside the codes with our caps, shorts and tattoos in all directions. Compared to the other groups, they seemed like the top of the class. We went from bars with sometimes zero people to the O2 in London in front of more than 5,000 people

Alix Jeanguillaume

After the scene with the group In Arkadia… ©alix jeanguillaume

An enriching but complicated period: Alix continued sporting competitions and concerts while having a job in the funeral industry. “I was never there. I took my RTT to be able to do everything. » On March 1, 2024, In Arkadia bids farewell. “There was a need for change for everyone. Some bad choices have slowed down our rise. »

Revitalize Snitch

Alix Jeanguillaume also aims to create a private sports complex in Mourchard.

I hope it will see the light of day in 2026. The objective of this room is to offer activities for young people but also older people. There will be a martial art side, a bodybuilding side because that’s what will bring in money, crossfit, but also yoga and pilates, which are more suitable for older people. We can organize evenings and activities with the community. This will recreate the activity on Snitch that I experienced when I was younger.

Alix Jeanguillaume

This project should also “create jobs in the community of communes, attract people all around”. There is also a desire to do a family project: “Let my future wife and my mother be in the project. I would like to build the complex on my parents’ land. »

For the moment, the Muscadian is drafting the project. “We need to see who could finance the project. I think it will cost at least €300,000. It’s quite complicated to write the project but I should be able to present it at the end of 2024.”

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2024-06-22 06:11:50
#Snitch #Alix #Jeanguillaume #Jura #warrior #MMA #cage


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