The judge of the ‘Super Cup case’ extends the investigation for six months to carry out more procedures

Awaits the result of the rogatory commission sent to Andorra and the reports resulting from the records


The Majadahonda judge investigating the ‘Super Cup case’, relating to alleged irregularities within the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) during Luis Rubiales’ time as president, has agreed to extend the investigation for another six months given that there are still errands to practice.

This is stated in an order from Judge Delia Rodrigo, to which Europa Press has had access, in which she indicates that after examining the proceedings “it is found that the investigation has not been completed” because it is necessary to obtain, for example, the results of the commission. rogatory sent to Andorra or the report from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard regarding the documentation intervened in the entries and records.

He points out that, in addition, he must still take statements from those investigated and witnesses who appear in the case and carry out other procedures that derive from the previous ones.

It should be remembered that this extension was requested, among other parties, by the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office, which included in a report those additional six months “given the obvious complexity of the investigation.”


In another order signed this week, to which this news agency has also had access, the judge requires the RFEF, at the request of the Public Ministry, to send a series of documents to the court “as soon as possible.”

And he details that he needs the report from the Regulatory Compliance Body, dated May 2022, which was signed by Francisco Javier Puyol; the complete recordings corresponding to the RFEF General Assembly meetings of 2018, December 2020 and May 2022; the internal operating regulations of the Regulatory Compliance Commission; the regulations of the Audit and External Economic Control Committee; and the declarations of concurrence or conflict of interest signed by the members of the RFEF in the years 2018 to 2022.

On the other hand, the statement of the former director of the Legal Department of the RFEF Pedro Manuel González Segura as investigated is agreed for July 2, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and the statement as a witness of the team’s compliance manager Francisco Javier Puyol for that same day at 11:00 am.

2024-06-18 16:22:05
#judge #Super #Cup #case #extends #investigation #months #carry #procedures


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