The Mixed Trophy Returns to Chennevières sur Marne: A Celebration of Diversity in Archery


This weekend, June 22 and 23, the Mixed Trophy returns to Chennevières sur Marne (94). The national event which highlights diversity, with teams made up of one woman and one man, is full this year. Sharing atmosphere and convivial moments guaranteed.

For this 5th edition, the CTS Arc de Chennevières is preparing to welcome 172 teams, or 344 archers. In detail, 40 teams of new licensees, 56 in recurve arch, 44 in compound arch and 32 teams in bare arch are registered.

An event organized by the Federation and the Val de Marne Department Committee, with the support of the Île de France Regional Committee, the L’Archery store and the manufacturer of archery clothing and articles Era.

2024-06-21 13:41:55
#festive #weekend #ahead #National #Mixed #Trophy #ChenevièressurMarne


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