The moral misery of Cristina Seguí and Javier Negre

BarcelonaOn some occasions we have criticized how the ultra-right media are dedicated to manufacturing fake news to manipulate the population, but these days a trial is being held in Valencia that goes much further. The founder of Vox and ultra activist Cristina Seguí is being tried for spreading a video of minors from Burjassot who were victims of a group rape and claiming that it was all a feminist montage. Justice proved that the rape had been real and convicted the perpetrators, but one of the girls identified in the video suffered bullying and harassment, which “exacerbated the symptoms of the sexual assault, which was very specific and severe – the psychologist declared – they ruined his life”, she concluded.

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Well, Seguí participated in Javier Negre’s channel to explain that case, and this alleged journalist said that the girls deserved “a wafer” for having invented the rape, which was not true. Negre, by the way, has removed this video from his networks. In this case it is no longer a matter of spreading hateful ideas or speeches, but of destroying the life of a minor to denounce an alleged feminist concubine. “Feminists need it to be there orders to continue legitimizing the embezzlement of public money,” Seguí said in Negre’s program. It is difficult to put together so much moral misery in so few words.

By the way, this Thursday the Court of Valencia reopened the case against Mónica Oltra for allegedly covering up her ex-husband in a case of sexual abuse. Do you know who is behind this case and the appeal for reopening? Well, Cristina Seguí.

2024-06-20 10:40:46
#moral #misery #Cristina #Seguí #Javier #Negre


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