The Path to Blue Belt: How to Get Your Blue Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (JJB) is a martial art that focuses on grappling and submission techniques. Belt advancement is a journey that requires time, discipline and an in-depth knowledge of techniques. Moving from white belt to blue belt is an important step on this journey. So let’s find out how to get blue belt in JJB?

1. Requirements to obtain the jjb blue belt

The blue belt is the second stage of the Brazilian jiu-jitsu path. To obtain the jjb blue belt there are a series of requirements that vary from school to school, but which overall are similar.

Knowledge of basic techniques:

Moving up to jjb blue belt involves knowledge and mastery of basic techniques of Brazilian jiu-jitsu which are taught to white belts.

The basic techniques you need to know are the most common ones, that is bottlenecks and closures of the arms.

You have to know the basic positions such as mounting, guard, half guard, escapes and guard passes.

Real life situations:

You must be able to put into practice the different principles and techniques learned in sparring. You must demonstrate the ability to perform defense, positioning and attacking techniques in training against different partners.

To do this, you need to understand the concepts behind JJB, such as position control, space and pressure management, and the use of leverage.


It takes time and patience to climb the jjb rankings. The vast majority of jiujitsuki go from white belt to blue belt in 1 to 2 years.

However, there is a way in for black belt judokas. Because the two disciplines share many similarities, a black belt judoka is considered to have mastered the various ground techniques of jjb to the same level as a blue belt jiujitsuka.

Continue your learning of bjj on the tatami mats with your blue belt from bjj Fighting Films! Learn increasingly complex Brazilian jiu-jitsu techniques, and continue this unique adventure towards the black belt! Rigid and very light, this belt is ideal for learning training and competitions.

2. Techniques and skills to master

Here is a list of the different basic techniques and skills you need to master to get your jjb blue belt:

Guard positions:

  • Case closed
  • Half guard
  • Case open


  • Rear control
  • Climbing position
  • Lateral control
  • Knee on stomach
  • The cross
  • North South


  • The kimura
  • The scapula
  • The arm lock
  • The triangle
  • Rear strangulation

3. Our tips for getting the jjb blue belt

The key to progressing in Brazilian jiu-jitsu is to be patient. The road to black belt is long, so don’t rush. Patience is the key to learning new techniques and different fighting situations. Understanding your body and how to use it perfectly to dominate your opponent is essential.

Earning your jjb blue belt is just the beginning of the journey: many years of practice and learning await you to continue your journey.

To progress as much as possible, there is no secret: you must be assiduous in training, practicing sparring with fighters of the same level as you or of a higher rank to learn more and more. You need to listen to the advice of your instructors and watch the summits for inspiration.

It is important to address the jjb with humility, patience and respect to be the best jiu jitsuka possible.

2024-06-18 13:24:54
#blue #belt #JJB


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