the rehearsal of the opening ceremony scheduled for Monday is postponed due to the high flow of the Seine – Libération

The rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games which was to be held on Monday with the entire fleet of boats was postponed due to the high flow of the Seine.

It was to take place on Monday. The rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, with the entire fleet of boats, has been postponed due to the high flow of the Seine, announced the prefecture of the Ile-de-France region this Friday, June 21. This is the third postponement due to heavy rain. But a rehearsal was still able to take place on Monday June 17. This Friday, the flow of the capital’s river remains approximately five times higher than in the classic summer period, which would not make it possible to “draw the most relevant lessons”, judged the prefecture and the organizing committee of Paris-2024.

Earlier today, water quality test results came back negative, again due to heavy rains in recent days. According to the graphs posted online, almost every day from June 10 to 16, the level of concentration of fecal bacteria E.Coli was greater than 1,000 colony forming units (CFU)/100 ml (the threshold retained by the international federations triathlon and open water swimming to authorize the holding of events).

Rain, high flow, little sunshine, temperatures below seasonal standards” form an “unfavorable hydrological and meteorological context” which explains why “water quality remains degraded”, they again point out. These two institutions are at the head of the Bathing Plan, in which the State and communities have invested 1.4 billion euros to make the Seine and its main tributary, the Marne, suitable for swimming. But if this plan “arrives successfully”, “there is no doubt that the quality of the water today is not there”, recognized the regional prefect Marc Guillaume during a press briefing on the Olympics, which start on July 26.


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