The Rise of Jean-Marc Pansa: From Pro B Standout to Top French Interior Player

Jean-Marc Pansa began his professional career at Nanterre before spending five seasons in Pro B, four at Antibes and one at Boulazac where he distinguished himself with 11.9 points (57.1% on shots), 7, 2 rebounds and 1.3 blocks per 25 minutes on average. His performances allowed him to appear in the 5 major of Pro B 2023-2024 and in the Top 5 of the best players in the evaluation (4th with 16.6).

“Each offseason it is a challenge to find and sign experienced interior players, particularly with the appetite of foreign championships for our local big men (Nearly twenty elite French professional interior players abroad), comments advisor François Lamy. The referenced foreign interiors are financially out of reach, since we have decided to bet on the extension of Maks, and even if it means taking the bet that a less referenced player will fully take the chance that we offer him, we prefer that it be a player trained in France, also with reference to the athletic reality of the French championship. Jean-Marc had become a UFO in Pro B. At the end of the season, he achieved extremely high efficiency figures in advanced stats, and with Freddy, we think he has the physical, technical and mental skills, to reproduce them with us. He also has a winning character and an exemplary work ethic. Solicited by foreign first division teams, he preferred to join us to perfect his integration at the high level, which is further proof of a very interesting personality for building a squad with a quality state of mind. »

2024-06-22 11:08:49
#JeanMarc #Pansa #Bourg


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