The Rocket South Shore of Coaticook Face Defeats Against Saint-Eustache Bisons In Weekend Doubleheader

BASEBALL. The Rocket South Shore of Coaticook lost its two duels on Saturday (June 22), while receiving a visit from the Saint-Eustache Bisons.

In Coaticook, Bisons starter Nicolas Tremblay threw a 6-0 shutout allowing only five hits including a double from Guillaume Aupin. Offensively for St-Eustache, Charles Etienne Pelletier and Benjamin Rousseau were perfect with 3 hits in as many appearances while Mathis Rocheleau produced two runs with a triple. Gaël Gilbert will be charged for the backhand for the Rocket.

In the second game, the visitors scored three points in the opening set, en route to a 6-3 victory over the Rocket. Offensively, the Bisons hit seven doubles including two by Emric Ferland. Nathan Mercier also produced three points for St-Eustache. Zac Fréchette hit two doubles and produced as many runs for Coaticook. Mathis Coté won the victory which was saved by Etienne Lapointe. Mathis Cantin suffered a setback among the locals.

The Rocket will play its next match on July 4, when it will visit the Dukes of Longueuil.

With the collaboration of Dominic Lussier, Communications LBJEQ

2024-06-23 14:18:16
#Coaticook #Rocket #swept #Bisons #doubleheader


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