The Sporting Legacy of the Carpentier Family: Timothée’s Path to Volleyball Success

“It’s a family thing!”. Who has never used this expression to mean that something, a physical trait, a talent, or even a defect had been inherited from their ancestors? An expression that suits the Carpentier family perfectly. A family from the Paris region who settled in Eguilles 11 years ago now. It’s the sport that runs in the family and young Timothée, only 15 years old, licensed at the AUC13 Volley Ball, seems promising to a bright future.

After having practiced numerous competitive sports, such as tennis, swimming and judo, sometimes all 3 at the same time to channel his energy, it was towards volleyball that he then turned at the age of 11 years. Why volleyball? First of all because his father, Lionel, a wealth management advisor in Aix, also played tennis before becoming a good volleyball player in Clamart (92). But not only : “I chose volleyball because I find it to be the ultimate team sport. You have to be there for others and vice versa. In volleyball, anything can happen and solidarity is not an empty word. Then it’s a sport where you learn to lose because throughout the sets, you lose points. The whole point is to lose less than your opponent.” Tim explains to us from his height of 1.89 meters.

At the sporting level, the mother, Marianne, Director of Innovation at Newen Studios, a subsidiary of TF1 (which notably produces the soap opera “Plus belle la vie”), is not to be outdone and was vice-champion of Brittany tennis when she was a cadet and then played a first round in the championship at Roland-Garros. Even Laetitia, the big sister, practiced judo, horse riding and tennis. So obviously, at home, we talk about sport, sport and sport.

Finally, we were talking, because last year, Tim joined the Pôle Espoir in Cannes (06) which welcomes the future hopes of French volleyball every year. So from Monday to Friday, he alternates between his classes in first class, HGGSP options (history-geography, geopolitics and political sciences), SES and Maths, and hours of training with players who are often more experienced and older than him. But no matter, Tim is a fighter and refuses to fail: “I’m a perfectionist and I want to be perfect in everything I do.”.

So perfect he skipped a grade in schoole. “At the beginning, two years ago, it wasn’t easy, especially since the other players were playing at a much higher level than me in Pre-National or even National, while I was playing in the departmental level. Today I play in Regional, in adults as well as in U18 But I am doing everything to progress and I hope that I will be given a chance at a higher level in my club. because for 4 days, I work on very specific playing systems and when I return to training in my club on Friday evening, I have to adapt to other systems in a single training session. Tactics are very important in Volleyball. , you have to know how to play with your head, which I have improved a lot on. Otherwise, I have evolved a lot in attack and when I smash, I want to smash everything. I also work a lot on defense to improve and reception! to make it a real strong point ».

The American dream

Proof that Tim has adapted well, the Pôle de Cannes has just won the Interpôles Sud 2024. With 3 victories in the group and 3/0 in the final against the Pôle de Montpellier. A center of hope that he will leave this year to continue his training in his favorite club, the AUC13VB and hope to play at a higher level.

When we talk to him about his future, Timothée, sure of himself, knows what he wants : “After the BAC, I would like to obtain a scholarship to enter a university in the United States with a volleyball section. I want to give myself all the means to succeed, I am already preparing a file in this direction” this tall 15-year-old young man confides to us. Exactly, his age. Let’s talk about it. It is both a strength but also a hindrance, because very often, clubs hesitate to throw young people into the deep end, fearing to break them. The trend is tending to be reversed today and in many sports, we are seeing talented young athletes appear who are doing wonders. To be continued…

Otherwise, Tim is a teenager like any other and particularly enjoys reading and drawing. “There is not much room for leisure anymore, so I would say that my hobby is volleyball!”

Between a young player who knows what he wants and parents who are ready to do anything to help him but who have their heads on their shoulders, we have the right to wish Tim a great and successful career.

2024-06-19 12:43:29
#Timothée #Carpentier #years #volleyball #blood


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