the State grants an extension of 33 million euros for the organization of the Paralympic Games

The Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, confirmed, Wednesday June 26 during the Council of Ministers, that an extension of 33 million euros will be granted to the Organizing Committee for the Games (Cojop ) of Paris 2024. This extension will concern the Paralympic Games. Local authorities also have ” act “ of making an additional contribution.

The organization of the Paralympic Games “is in deficit”, declared Amélie Oudéa-Castéra on May 28 in front of the deputies. Uncertainties weigh in particular on revenue from ticketing: out of 2.8 million seats offered for sale, only 900,000 found takers. This is one of the last areas of concern for public authorities in preparing for the Games.

In December 2022, the State had already added 70 million euros for the Paralympic Games to the 100 million it had initially put in. A few weeks ago, from government sources, it was reported Monde that a possible avenue to provide this additional thirty million euros was to use the funds available from the contingency reserve of the Olympic Works Delivery Company (Solideo) to strengthen the financing of the organization of the Paralympic Games. The Games which finance the Games, in short.

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2024-06-26 12:56:42
#State #grants #extension #million #euros #organization #Paralympic #Games


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