The Struggles of Terry Tarpey III: A Season of Frustration and Uncertainty

3 seconds. This is the playing time of Terry Tarpey III (1.95 m, 30 years old) during Episode 2 of the Betclic ELITE final on Thursday, listed by the official statistics sheet of the match. Coming into play during the second quarter, he managed to finish with a plus/minus of +2. But no matter how much we rewatched the entire sequence, there was no trace of the Franco-American winger on the Gaston-Médecin floor Thursday evening against Paris. Like the last ten weeks in reality… Back on the Roca Team match sheets since the start of the semi-final against Bourg-en-Bresse, after two months of absence, the native of Poissy simply lost his place in Sasa Obradovic’s rotations. “It’s going to be hard to get him playing before the end of the playoffs”recognized the Serbian technician on the sidelines of Match 4 at Ékinox.

Since then, unfortunately for Tarpey, he has kept his word. Even AS Monaco’s 24-point lead against Paris at the opening of the final (71-47, 27th minute) did not convince them to open their bench as the end of the match approached. “It’s difficult to find a small place for him to play, we are already full on the wings”explains Obradovic. « His frustration is legitimate, I sometimes feel sorry for not giving him absolute attention. »

Less than 60 minutes of the EuroLeague season
Here during the warm-up in Belgrade in December, Terry Tarpey only played 6 games out of 39 in the EuroLeague (photo: Cécile Thomas)

Faced with the words of his coach, Terry Tarpey III cannot hide a certain weariness. « No comment », he will respond, to the mention of his trainer’s inability to find a role for him. Is it a question of physics, he who had meniscus surgery at the end of March? “I feel 100%”, says the French international. No, then. Is it a question of state of mind? Quite improbable given the reputation of nice guy conveyed by the player, and all the positive echoes about it internally. “He’s a great guy.”, even says Sasa Obradovic. So what ? “There is no problem identified”says the former captain of Le Mans. “It’s a time of adjustment to a new coach, a new style of play, a new philosophy that I’m not really used to. I feel ready to help the team, it’s just not easy to find a way that the coach appreciates. »

If we except his sad 2/22 on shots in the first matches, his season had not started so badly. From the first European outing in Valencia, Terry Tarpey III started. Two weeks later, he had his best career match: 29 rating in Strasbourg. It was still the time when he played fairly regularly in the EuroLeague: three appearances in the first 5 games of the season. Then, he will only total three others out of the following 34, regularly sent to the stands with the unenviable status of 13th man… That is to say six matches played in the EuroLeague. 59 minutes and 54 seconds over the entire continental campaign. Far, very far from its initial ambitions. “It’s definitely not what I was hoping for”he agrees. « I tried to find a role for him at the beginning of the saison »reprend Sasa Obradovic. “He has the qualities to perform but his direct competitor, Yakuba (Ouattara), suits us better because he has more experience with the team. Play Terry could weaken his position, or that of Matthew (Strazel). »

“His direct competitor, Yakuba Ouattara, suits us better”

Although declared fit for service, Terry Tarpey should not play again this season with AS Monaco (photo: Sébastien Grasset)

Certainly regularly responsible in Betclic ELITE (19 minutes on average over 24 matches) until his meniscus operation, Terry Tarpey still saw his Olympic dream disappear because of this shelving (see below, editor’s note ). Enough to arouse remorse regarding his decision to join Monaco, made very early in the spring of 2023, while other EuroLeague teams such as Maccabi Tel-Aviv or Olimpia Milan were making eyes at him? “No, it’s important not to live with regrets”he refutes. “At the time of my choice, it was the best possible option. It was even a fairly simple decision, given the ambition of the club, especially since we wanted to stay in France. » Financial promotion also helps to pass the pill: according to the figures put forward by BasketEuropethe player went from 150,000 euros per month at Le Mans to 600,000 euros in Monaco.

A salary which also greatly reduces the possibilities for next season. Under contract until 2026 in the Principality, Terry Tarpey will remain Monegasque according to the club. “He’s a hard worker, he’s going to fight to earn his place”, we assure in the upper echelons of the ASM. His agency also certifies that the player will not move this summer. And him the same… “I’m not someone who gives up easily”he proclaims. “I like Monaco, I like my teammates. » History, also, to prove that it was not just a summer hit… “2022 was good but I hope I still have a story to write. I wanted to show that I’m a quality player, that it wasn’t just luck, that I wasn’t just the right guy in the right place. I haven’t really had the opportunity to show it even though I feel better than ever this season… That’s the most annoying thing for me. » See you in September?

His absence from pre-selection for the Olympic Games:
” It hurts me “

Two years after his fantastic summer of 2022, where he smashed the front door of the French team to find himself in the major five of a European championship final (with the best +/- of the Blues on the ‘entire competition), Terry Tarpey III has not punched its ticket for the 2024 Olympic Games, its stated objective for several years. The fault is a 2023 World Cup where he did not confirm (from 11.4 to 5.4 evaluation) and, obviously, his fragmented season with AS Monaco.

Terry Tarpey’s counter remains stuck at 34 selections for the moment (photo: Guillaume Poumarède)

“My absence from the list hurt me”he whispers. “The Olympic Games were really a goal for me. My season wasn’t the best and it wasn’t the right timing but it hurts. In my head, there are two points of view: on the one hand, I think like a coach and I tell myself that we have to get the players in better shape. However, it is clear that it was not me. I wasn’t the best choice for the team to put together the best group possible to bring home the gold medal. But on the other hand, I don’t care, I wanted to be there! During the last two summers with the Blues, I had a good relationship with everyone, especially the staff. I will be fully behind the team, they remain real friends, I wish them the best. »

2024-06-08 19:00:00
#Terry #Tarpey


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