The Unbreakable Bromance: LeBron James Knows Dwyane Wade Better Than His Own Wife

By Joël Pütz | Sports journalist

It’s hard to find a greater bromance in NBA history than that between LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. The two men are even so friendly that Gabrielle Union, although married to Flash, made a huge confession about their relationship…

Some veterans lament this: these days, most NBA stars tend to want to play together rather than compete against each other. LeBron James crystallizes this observation quite well, he who is linked to a good number of players in the league to the point of recruiting them to join his teams. He had also managed to become the teammate of his best friend when he was with the Heat, a certain Dwyane Wade.

Drafted at the same time in 2003, the two men are as good as it gets. Their shared experience with Team USA in 2004 and 2006 allowed them to get closer outside of the NBA season and they ended up knowing each other by heart, something that the former Heat guard readily admits. During an interview conducted with Bleacher Report in 2016, Flash also released a pretty crazy statement about the King:

LeBron knows D-Wade better… than his own wife

The biggest mistake, when it comes to LeBron and myself, is believing that we can’t compete against each other because we’re friends. We are two of the biggest competitors in this sport. It’s just a real slap in the face. All my life I have played with my brothers. And I wanted to kick their ass every time.

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When we go out to eat, he says, “You should try this,” and he knows exactly what to order for me. I might get in trouble, but I’ll ask LeBron to order for me before I let my wife do it. She would get me nine different dishes to make sure I like something. LeBron knows exactly what I want.

As a reminder, D-Wade is married to actress Gabrielle Union (Bad Boys2, Seven at home) since 2014 and the two lovebirds have even been together since 2009, before LBJ arrived in Miami. But for the Hall of Famer, there is no doubt about it: his former playing partner knows much more about him than his long-time sweetheart. The latter also confirmed her husband’s comments in an interview with ESPN :

Gabrielle Union : If we were to play “The Newlywed Game” (famous game show for newlyweds in the United States, editor’s note), I’m not sure I would have more information about my husband than Bron would have.

Dwyane Wade : Bron and I would know so much more about each other. It’s obvious.

LeBron James and Dwyane Wade are so close that according to the Heat legend, the King is probably more aware of his tastes than his own wife. Even Gabrielle Union seems to be of this opinion, which shows the closeness between the two players.

2024-06-22 20:20:00
#Dwyane #Wades #wife #honest #LeBron #dont #have..


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