The Unforgettable 2024 Edition of the Coupe des Landes: A Look Back at a Historic Basketball Competition

In a Plumaçon plunged into darkness, the banda of Samadet Lous Faïences sings the first notes of “L’Encatada”. Fireworks sparkle on both sides of the Mont-de-Marsan arenas. Online, united together, Boris Diaw and his friends are taking advantage of the moment. The last moments closing an adventure launched a few months ago, in the quest for a coveted trophy.

The women of Avenir Basket Chalosse, crowned a little earlier in the evening, this Saturday, June 1, join them for a collective communion. One of the strong images of this 2024 edition, which…

In a Plumaçon plunged into darkness, the banda of Samadet Lous Faïences sings the first notes of “L’Encatada”. Fireworks sparkle on both sides of the Mont-de-Marsan arenas. Online, united together, Boris Diaw and his friends are taking advantage of the moment. The last moments closing an adventure launched a few months ago, in the quest for a coveted trophy.

The women of Avenir Basket Chalosse, crowned a little earlier in the evening, this Saturday, June 1, join them for a collective communion. One of the strong images of this 2024 edition, which will forever remain in the history of the Coupe des Landes basketball. Unlike this masterful bronca which accompanied the coronation of Biscarrosse at the final buzzer.

Almost inevitable, as this 2023-2024 session of the Coupe des Landes has caused animosity, resentment and frustration. A certain excess. The crazy bet of the former NBA champion, who put his sneakers back on five years after putting them away for good, did not only make people happy.

More than ever, this Cup has unleashed passions. Sometimes even a collective hysteria where insulting remarks and lack of respect fueled the debates, well beyond the boundaries of reason. On social networks, behind nicknames, some have not been there with the back of the spoon. Undoubtedly, the flop of this vintage and which therefore leaves a “mixed” feeling among many supporters.

“It’s a source of pride…”

Definitely, this departmental competition is atypical. Unique. As David Cozette, the commentator on the Skweek platform, said, “8,000 people in arenas to see an amateur match: basketball, the real thing. » This Saturday evening, it offered itself new grandeur in a first category arena (the second time in its history after the Dacquois baptism in 2019). A national exhibition which is only possible in the Landes.

Even the president of the French Basketball Federation, Jean-Pierre Siutat, agreed at half-time of the men’s final: “It’s a source of pride, this competition. We know that it’s the ”Landes World Cup”. I came to Dax in 2019. It’s great to do this, I don’t see it anywhere else. »

The Landes Committee, led by Barbara Canlorbe, succeeded in its crazy challenge with a grand day in the Mons arenas. “The atmosphere is magical. It’s beautiful to see in a completely atypical setting, it’s a beautiful celebration,” says Ronny Turiaf, another NBA champion present in the Landes on Saturday.

The list of people who gathered throughout the meetings – like Tony Parker and Thomas Pesquet at Plumaçon – once again confirms the exceptional side of this departmental competition (where in the other departments, the gauges peak at 2 000 people).

Classic next year

The planets were aligned. The head of Landes basketball sums it up perfectly: “Two great matches, a great crowd and a magnificent final. » She briefly mentions the bronca of the final whistle. “There’s nothing we can do about it, we expected that. »

“Bet won” also for the mayor of Mont-de-Marsan Charles Dayot, “thanks to collective work carried out by the Departmental Committee and all the municipal agents”. At this stage, it is appropriate to salute the involvement of the two kingpins of this pharaonic organization, namely Florian Lafargue (for the Landes Committee) and Michel Nézard (for the municipality). For several weeks, the two men have orchestrated several dozen people for a score without a false note.

Florian Lafargue and Michel Nézard

Philippe Salvat/SO

The Coupe des Landes will return, next season, to a more classic format and a certain serenity. Boris Diaw and his gang will not return to Biscarrosse. A few months ago, the steering committee made a change to the competition regulations, which had been so criticized for many weeks. A 2025 edition with a little more normality where the beaten teams will want revenge. The “Diaw” adventures will be difficult to duplicate. Will this be enough to calm the anger in the ranks of supporters, and even certain teams?

The competition will also return to its setting in Gamarde-les-Bains for the final explanation. A more intimate setting but just as passionate. As for a new XXL format exhibition, we will have to wait a little. After the success in the arenas of Dax and Mont-de-Marsan, what can the Landes Committee aspire to? ” No idea. We’re going to rest now, we all need to breathe. We’ll see,” says Barbara Canlorbe.


But this evening gave ideas to Charles Dayot: “It proves that we can do something other than bullfighting in our arenas. A real spotlight for Landes basketball and for the city,” he comments, announcing that “concerts will be organized in August in these arenas.” An “open-air performance hall” to which he wishes to give new impetus. The Coupe des Landes effect, even beyond the mundillo of the orange ball…

President Barbara Canlorbe had to face numerous criticisms during this 2024 edition

Philippe Salvat/SO

2024-06-03 07:13:51
#crazy #edition #Coupe #des #Landes #basketball


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