The Unique and Equal Paris 2024 Olympics: A Celebration of Sustainability and Cultural Heritage

Moreover, there is something special about this Olympics. It is an equal Olympics with the same number of male and female athletes, and it is also an event that makes us think about sustainability instead of indiscriminate development.

So, at this opening and closing ceremony, instead of a huge new stadium, athletes from each country will enter on boats like Monsieur Bato in the middle of the Seine River, which is what comes to mind when you think of Paris.

My heart is already pounding as I think about the boats of athletes from all over the world passing through places we looked for in travel brochures, such as the Pont Neuf, Pont des Arts, and Pont Alexandre III, and the Eiffel Tower shining with its Olympic rings. Through this competition, the cultural heritage of Paris that we are familiar with is reflected in various places.

In the center of Les Invalides, Korean archers and track and field athletes will shoot golden arrows and do sprints to jump higher. In the middle of the Palace of Versailles, instead of the Sun King Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette, modern pentathletes will run horses and aim swords. Additionally, the sound of Taekwondo athletes and ‘New Appengers’ athletes cheering will resonate throughout the Grand Palais built for the Paris World Expo.

Even more than our excitement as spectators and viewers, the Korean national team players are devoting themselves to training with a final spurt amidst excitement and tension. asked athletes about their goals, emotions, excitement and tension surrounding the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. What does Paris or Paris 2024 mean to them?

2024-06-26 17:15:41
#South #Korean #national #team #players #thinking


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