The Unique Story of Arjen Robben’s Deadly Left Foot and Laughable Right Foot

Arjen Robben’s left foot is probably one of the most dangerous in the history of football. But his other foot still makes his former teammates laugh today.

Arjen Robben shaped the game of FC Bayern Munich for years as part of the congenial wing pairing with Franck Ribéry. Hardly any other player in international football seemed to have such a dangerous left foot as the Dutchman. Robben repeatedly moved from the right side into the center and curled the ball into the far corner.

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“At some point it really became a fixed thing in training. The game is more difficult in a sold-out stadium, but it also became more and more difficult in training,” Robben explained in an interview with the Dutch-Moroccan freestyler Soufiane “Touzani TV” Touzani.

Arjen Robben and Franck Ribéry formed the legendary Robbery duo at FC Bayern Munich

The opponent was repeatedly instructed to send the ex-Bayern star “onto his right foot.” “This right foot was of course terrible. So I had to switch to my left foot. Very often I was able to find the gap,” Robben recalled.

Ribéry? “See him laughing in a corner”

“There were some players who just laughed at me. They still joke about it,” said Robben, highlighting his former teammate in particular: “Ribéry always had to laugh.”

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In the interview, the 96-time Dutch international described: “My right foot, it really didn’t look good sometimes. I did something with my right leg and then I saw it laughing again in the corner.”

Despite the flaws, they didn’t want to let Robben “just run”, which led to him finding himself “one-on-one with the goalkeeper with his right foot”. “It wasn’t that bad, of course. It was dangerous. I scored a few goals with my right foot, but not that many,” joked the 40-year-old.

How good was Arjen Robben actually?

Robben criticizes youth training

Nevertheless, Robben criticised the trend that young talents are increasingly being “trained to be ambidextrous”. This method means that valuable time is lost to perfect your strong foot and you end up with “two good legs” instead of one “leg that is excellent”.

How dangerous Robben still is in front of goal after his career is shown in the video of the interview, where the Dutchman first sent his interview partner to the ground before safely scoring with his left foot.

2024-06-28 12:37:26
#Robben #laughed #Ribéry


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