They promote the importance of values ​​in Family Month

Within the framework of the celebration of Family Monthwhile the patients waited to be treated, in the different medical services offered by the Polyclinic “Dr. Alexander of the Guard”Arisel González, social worker, took the opportunity to remind them of the importance of acquiring and promoting values ​​in the family nucleus.

González mentioned that values ​​strengthen the bonds of unity, respect and trust in family coexistence, since these shape individual identity and influence the way in which one interacts with others and contribute to the general well-being of society.

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He added that the promotion of values ​​in the family is important for personal growththe strengthening of social relationships and through them an environment is created where the solidarity, respect and mutual understanding.

He said that many people say that values ​​have been lost, which is not true; Values ​​have always existed, you just have to awaken them. In addition, at home you have to strengthen all family members more in the area of self-esteem emphasizing that in “In our environment there are predators that can bring us down, if we are not strengthened with the values ​​in our society because the family is the basis of society.”

2024-06-12 17:35:47
#promote #importance #values #Family #Month


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