Title: Severe Weather Warnings Impact European Football Championship Fan Zones and Beyond

Due to meteorologists’ warnings of bad weather, supporters of the European Football Championship in Berlin’s fan zones cannot watch, among other things, the Czech national team’s evening match against Portugal. The sector for fans in Leipzig, where the Czechs are playing, was briefly closed in the evening, but the organizers opened it again from 19:00.

The German Meteorological Service (DWD) has predicted severe thunderstorms and heavy downpours for parts of Germany. The bad weather affects the belt from the west to the east of the country. The biggest warning now applies to Brandenburg and also to Saxony, which is hosting the evening match between the Czechs and the Portuguese. According to DWD, Leipzig is past the worst.

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Berlin will face adverse weather, including hail, in the evening and at night. A storm has already hit the metropolis. “The safety of the fanzone visitors is a priority for us. We will therefore keep the fanzones closed today and ask everyone to stay at home,” announced Moritz van Dülmen from Kulturprojekte Berlin, which is preparing a cultural program in Berlin’s fan sectors.

In Berlin, there are two zones in the city center, namely at the Brandenburg Gate and at the nearby Reichstag building, which is the seat of the parliament. Next to the 24,000 square meter artificial turf, the sector at the Brandenburg Gate is dominated by a giant football goal that is 21 meters high and 63 meters wide. Berlin calls it the largest in the world.

While Berlin closed the sector for public screening of matches and joint cheering, Leipzig reopened the zone to the public after a short closure. The zone on Augustova náměstí in the center of the Saxon city remained open until late in the afternoon, but then the organizers closed the area after consultation with the fire department and the police. A storm swept through the city, but after about 20 minutes the situation improved, so fans could return to the square again.

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Today, the closure also affected the fan zone in Dortmund, where the teams of Turkey and Georgia played against each other in the evening. The organizers urged football fans who do not have tickets to the stadium not to go to the city, but rather to stay at home.

Extreme storm and tornado risk across Europe

Extreme storms raged on Tuesday night in the French Médoc region in the Gironde department. Hail the size of golf balls there caused according to server Le Parisien extensive damage. Strong storms will hit on Tuesday according to meteorologists and part of Germany, namely in the zone from Cologne to Berlin, where, among other things, there is also the danger of tornadoes. It could also affect the Czech Republic.

Broken car windshields, damaged urban furniture and vegetation. Some residents of the French village located in the Gironde department shared on social media photos of the damage caused by up to five centimeters of hail that accompanied extreme storms overnight. “A night of horror. I’ve never heard such a noise,” commented one resident.

French meteorologists from Météo-France announced an orange warning for further storms for the Gironde department at 6 p.m. on Tuesday. This also applies to four other departments in the south-west of the country, namely Dordogne, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne and Charente.

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A warning against strong storms has also been issued for part of Germany, where, according to the local meteorological station, there is also a risk of supercells and tornadoes. There is a threat of tornadoes in Germany until 10 p.m. It is possible for supercells to form. Tuesday’s storms will also affect the Czech Republic, but the very strong ones will arrive on Friday afternoon and Saturday night.

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (ČHMÚ) warned of strong thunderstorms in the Ústeck and Děčín regions on Tuesday evening. The warning was issued by meteorologists at 20:15, saying that the storms will arrive within a few tens of minutes. The warning is valid until 23:00 today. According to her, torrential rain can be expected with possible intensive runoff of water from the slopes, rapid flooding of small streams and dry riverbeds, and flooding of tunnels, underpasses or basements. There is a risk of roads being crushed or blocked by drifting material. Flash floods may occur. Wind can uproot trees, power outages and traffic problems are also possible. Hail and lightning are also a danger, according to the warning.

Meteorologists warned of heavy rain and storms already on Saturday, especially in the eastern part of the Czech Republic. “Total rainfall totals for the period can even reach around 70 millimeters in extremes,” said the ČHMÚ, stating that in places with higher soil saturation, water may run off quickly from the landscape, or local flooding of lower-lying places may occur.

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