Title: Vincent Neugebauer Leaves Phoenix Hagen for Tigers Tübingen in Squad Shake-Up

Hagen. At Phoenix Hagen, squad planning for next season is in full swing. The Firebirds will have to do without one player with immediate effect.

Vincent Neugebauer is moving to BBL relegated Tigers Tübingen for the new season. Phoenix Hagen announced this on Wednesday. The 22-year-old big man, who came to Hagen at the beginning of April, will be leaving the Volmestadt again this summer after just a few months. Until recently, Hagen had hoped to keep the young, 2.13 meter tall center. Now he has made a decision.

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The voices on the departure

Vincent Neugebauer, Centre Phoenix Hagen: “Unfortunately, my time in Hagen was a little short. But I still enjoyed every moment of it. From the first to the last day, I was given a great welcome – by my teammates, the coaches, the fans and everyone around me. I was just super happy that I got the chance to show myself here. My highlight was that we made it to the semi-finals. And of course the support from the fans, what incredible support they gave every time, I’ve never experienced anything like it before. It was really crazy. I’m definitely taking the energy with me. And many beautiful memories of very special moments.”

Chris Harris, Headcoach Phoenix Hagen: “It’s great that Vincent joined us after the ProB season. We are very, very happy with how it went. He benefited from working with us and we benefited from him. He contributed a lot of energy to us reaching the semi-finals of the playoffs. We look forward to seeing him again in the new season.”

2024-06-12 06:54:52
#Phoenix #player #moves #BBL #relegated #team #Tübingen


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