Torchlight Procession Held to Remember Rita Granata: Seeking Justice for Tragic Loss

A torchlight procession was organized to remember Rita Granata, the 27 year old who was hit in Fuorigrotta last May 5th. The young girl’s heart stopped, after three days of agony, at the San Paolo hospital where she also underwent a delicate surgery. Rita had arrived at the Neapolitan hospital in serious condition after being hit by a car while she was crossing the road in via Leopardi.

At first the driver disappeared, but then returned to the scene of the impact. He is a 24-year-old identified by the police who arrived on site and then underwent toxicological tests. The torchlight procession, organized by relatives and friends to ask for justice, will be held today – Wednesday 12 June – at 7pm starting from Piazza Lala in Fuorigrotta.

For the occasion, a touching message was published by the national Judo federation: “A tribute to our President of the Jury. It is with deep sadness that we share the loss of our dear Rita Granata. Her loss leaves a void in the hearts of all those who they had the privilege of knowing her and working with her.

We remember not only his contribution to Italian judo, but also his extraordinary humanity and kindness. Our deepest condolences go to Rita’s family and friends. May they find comfort in the precious memories shared with her and in the knowledge that her positive impact will live on through our actions and memories.”

2024-06-12 09:59:59
#Run #house #torchlight #procession #Rita #Granata


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