Trade Scenario: Mavericks Parting Ways with Tim Hardaway Jr. for Derrick Jones Jr.

The Mavericks need to part ways with the final year of his contract Tim Hardaway Jr. at 16 million dollars, to strengthen but also extend Derrick Jones Jr. According to Marc Steinthey could receive a helping hand from the Pistons whose reconstruction is never-ending… Especially since the new president Trajan Langdon prefers to pile up players at the end of their contracts, rather than tapping into his big envelope to recruit.

In Dallas for five years, Tim Hardaway Jr. disappointed a lot in the playoffs, and he could leave the franchise after five years of good and loyal service. A potential arrival in Detroit would be a way for him to come full circle since he left Michigan. That was 11 years ago!

In exchange, the Mavericks could recover Quentin Grimes, the former Knicks shooter, who did not show much to the Pistons after his transfer. Younger than Tim Hardaway Jr, he is also a better defender, and above all he is much cheaper since he will receive around four million dollars next season. For the exchange to be possible, Detroit will undoubtedly also release a second round of Draft.

2024-06-26 04:53:01
#Pistons #ready #Tim #Hardaway #USA #Basketball


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