Trauner fears playing against Netherlands

Gernot Trauner has “mixed feelings” after the 3-1 victory against Poland at the European Football Championship in Germany. On the one hand, the 32-year-old Upper Austrian scored the 1-0 with a powerful header, but on the other hand, the defender had to leave the field injured.

“I felt the muscle a little before the game. When I took a long step it tightened up a lot. I hope it’s not too bad. We’ll have tests tomorrow and then I hope I’ll be back with the team soon,” said the Feyenoord captain, who could miss the game against the Netherlands (Tuesday, 6 p.m., Berlin).

APA/AFP/Axel Heimken

Trauner was delighted with the goal. “It was a very, very important goal. I will always remember it. It is very, very special – that I am even taking part in the European Championships after such a difficult year and that I am actually playing. I was incredibly happy that I was able to help the team.”

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