Trégueux Judo Club Hosts Gala Demonstration on the Eve of Summer Break

Traditional event on the eve of the long summer break, the Trégueux judo club brought together, Thursday June 20, parents and friends of the club’s athletes in the Jean-Pierre-Pinsard room, for a gala-demonstration, the most young people being particularly excited at the idea of ​​performing in front of their parents.

Julien Gautron, the teacher, is satisfied with the club’s activity. The numbers are stable compared to last year, with 50 practitioners registered. He points out the good performance of Eloise Le Mat in juniors who, for her first year of practice, rose to the regional championship. Marilyne Moreau, the president of the club, emphasized the need to have additional volunteers to preserve the good health of the club. Vanessa Mounier, who represented the municipality, concluded the interventions with wishes for good success for the coming year and took note of the request concerning the renewal of the carpets, made by the club office. Place was then given to demonstrations.

2024-06-21 09:02:52
#Judo #beautiful #gala #Tréguéusien #club #front #large #audience


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