Trieste Coach Jamion Christian Leads Team to Second Victory Against Cantu in Finals Series

Jamion Christian can only be satisfied after the second victory in the series with Cantu which brings his Trieste to 2-0. But he doesn’t lower his guard: “Our players are playing theirs improve basketball at this point in the season, but our opponents are doing it too. We know that in game 3 we will have to do even better to overtake them.”

According to the red and white coach “this is what finals basketball is, between two teams who have earned the right to play for a championship by giving everything until the last minute. We were good at finding them play right to win, but the great merit of the players was facing the adversity during the season to improve. However, the difficulties are not over, I expect the best from Cantù now that the series will move to Trieste”.

Impossible not to mention the great proof of Justin Reyes: “We are a better team when he plays. His performance was excellent and he had the ability to carry the team on his shoulders. But it is symptomatic that the play that closed the game was an assist for Candussi, demonstrating how the team seeks Together the way to win”:

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2024-06-06 22:21:50
#playing #basketball


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