UASD Dominates Archery Competition at University Games 2024

Santo Domingo.- The team from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), won the archery competition of the University Games 2024 version by adding eight medals, five gold and three bronze.

The event, which took place at the Parque del Este facilities, was organized by the National University Sports Commission and the Miderec University Sports Directorate, both organizations under the direction of Roque García and where José Arias served as technical director.

It was the fifth event of the contest where students/athletes from the high schools of the Dominican Republic participated. The indoor and beach volleyball, 3×3 basketball and swimming competitions have also ended.

García indicated that the University Games are organized, with the support of the Minister of Sports and Recreation, Mr. Francisco Camacho, whom he thanked for his support.

The second and third places went to the teams from the Apec University (Unapec), which achieved seven medals, one gold, five silver and one bronze; Technological University of Santiago (UTESA), one gold, and the Dominican University of Organization and Methods (O&M) finished in fourth position, which added one gold.

The Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) followed in the position table, with three bronze medals; Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU) and the Nordestana Catholic University (UCNE).

Teams from the Las Américas Technological Institute (ITLA) also participated in the fair; Iberoamerican University (Unibe);

In the Women’s 50 meters Composite, the gold went to Ysmarlyn Ramos from the (UASD) and the silver to Lucía Cordero (Unapec), while, in the men’s, Rubén Jiménez (Utesa), Luis Cabral (Unapec), and Alan Valerio ( Ucne), they won the gold, silver and bronze.

In Men’s Recurve, 50 meters, gold for Juan Rosario of the UASD; Heriberto Jimenez, also of the UASD, the silver and bronze for Eric Fatule of the PUCMM, in female Santa Ortiz (UASD), gold; silver for Yonaigris M. Martinez of Unapec.

In the Women’s 30 meters Compound, Javes del Rosario (UASD), Yudelkis Reynoso (UASD) and Karlenis Rodríguez (PUCMM) took the podium, they had gold, silver and bronze; in men, the gold, silver and bronze were added, Williams Sánchez from the O&M; Miqueas A. Moreta from the UASD and Emilio López from the PUCMM.

Abraham R. Abramson of the UASD was the winner in the Men’s 30 Meter Recurve, Randolph of UNAPEC had the silver and the bronze went to Josué Mercado of the UNPHU.

Also read: Simone Biles, the American gymnast who took care of her mental health and now looks stronger than ever

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2024-06-04 16:02:32
#UASD #obtains #place #archery #Games


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