Ultras du Standard Call for Leadership Resignation due to Club Sale Delays

In a press release posted on social networks, the Ultras du Standard – led by the Ultras Infernos 1996, the PHK and the Hell Side – called for the resignation of the leadership, with Pierre Locht and Jean-Michel Javaux in their sights. Supporters point to the slow pace of the sale of the club and the unkept promises by Liège leaders in recent weeks and even months.

“The situation is not easy for anyone, whether internally in the club or for the supporters, but we must stay united to increase the pressure on 777 in order to sell the club as quickly as possible and at a price that will allow to our future buyers to work directly on strengthening the core”, we can read in particular.

A few hours before the resumption of training, the situation still seems unclear in the ranks of Standard. Certainly, the club went before the Licensing Commission with the necessary documents, including proof of payment, but negotiations around the sale of the club are still at a standstill, at least according to club communication. And the numerous changes within the staff risk compromising the smooth progress of this start of preparation.

“Locht resignation, Javaux resignation!”

Still in their press release, the ultras claim to have met Pierre Locht and Jean-Michel Javaux last week. “These two people were, in the end, the last local defense against the Americans and they never sounded the alarm. On the contrary, Pierre Locht supported them until the end while Mr Javaux stood out for his lack of reaction […] From the inside, they watched our club sink with the result that is today”.

Faced with the management’s inaction, the ultras hope to see the two leaders resign as quickly as possible. In the case of Mr. Javaux, he had already announced his resignation last May, but is still present within the management of Rouches.

Faced with the slowness of the club’s sale and the lack of clarity of the funds injected (the data room should arrive soon, so that supporters can have access to a database with the club’s accounts), the members of the groups supporters are invited to pay for their subscription for next season. The money will be kept in a private account “while we find a more lasting solution”, such as setting up a third-party account linked with the club.

“The slow pace of this sale is challenging and forces us to toughen our actions to make 777 react. We will not give up,” the supporter groups finally conclude.

2024-06-19 20:09:00
#backdrop #crisis #Standard #ultras #demand #resignation #management #fight


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