Uncovering the Mystery of the Villa Robbery: Did the Criminals Know They Targeted a Football Legend?

byAndrea Pasqualetto, correspondent

The hypothesis that the perpetrator was an Eastern European gang who didn’t know they had attacked the villa of a football legend. Some time before a man had asked if there were houses for rent, others were looking at the properties

ALTAVILLA VICENTINA (Vicenza) The hypothesis is surprising and even a little comical: the gang, probably Eastern European, didn’t know they had attacked the villa of a football legend. Which got her into trouble tremendously. Because now the hunt for robbers is endless. Having left with the handicap of the cameras in Roberto Baggio’s house which were put out of action last month by a storm, the investigators are sweeping through those in the area, both public and private, starting from the hilly streets of Altavilla Vicentina around the former champion’s estate . These are hundreds of videos from whose analysis we hope first of all to identify the getaway car, imagining in any case that it was stolen, and then trying to get to the faces of the criminals to be subjected to the so-called anthroposomatic comparisons. That is, the comparison of the somatic features with those inserted in the forensic databases, where there are names and surnames. Naturally hoping for some positive matches.

This is an activity in which the Violent Crimes department of the ROS of Rome specializes, assisting the Vicenza Carabinieri in the investigation. And science can always help find clues to the bandits in the rooms of the villa where the robbery took place. An inspection by the Ris carabinieri is also planned in the next few days, who will look for fingerprints, traces of shoes and biological ones.

But, as mentioned, this crime story could also surprise five criminals who were unaware that they were faced with a football legend. «It is a hypothesis that cannot be ruled out – the investigators point out -. Because from the dynamics of the facts no interest on their part emerges for everything that Baggio could have won and accumulated as a champion.” They might have thought they had at their fingertips a Golden Ball and the thousand important memorabilia of a star’s life. And yet they didn’t care. Possible? Their interest was only one: “The safe”. They wanted that. Which, however, Roberto Baggio never had and so they resorted to what was there: a couple of watches, some jewelery and the cash that those present had on their person and in their pockets: Baggio, his wife Andreina, his sons Leonardo and Mattia and his mother in law. Very little loot for a heist at the Divine Codino’s villa.

The romantics add that, if they really had known who he was, they would never have given him that blow with the butt of the gun and sent him to the hospital. It’s not done. Another element that speaks in favor of coincidence is the testimonies of some of Roberto Baggio’s neighbors. Among these is the former mayor of Altavilla Vicentina, Carlo Dalla Pozza, who on 18 June had reported to the town’s police a suspicious person wandering around the top of the hill: «He had a white SUV and asked me if there was any house for rent . My cousin noticed a group of only men, 6 or 7, looking at the entire property.” What moves the needle in favor of the targeted choice on the champion is instead the time of the attack: that of the Italy-Spain match. A match that could only bring Baggio home to a few people, gathering them in front of the TV. Where in fact everyone was taken by surprise. «Stop, stop, everyone stay still!». Baggio getting up, the one who hits him, the great fear, the small raid and the escape.

June 23, 2024



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