UNICAJA I Yankuba Sima, a player wanted by Dreamland Gran Canaria, is in the ACB’s right of first refusal

Unicaja and Yankuba Sima did not reach an agreement to renew the contract of the Catalan centerso this Tuesday he was officially included in the list of players subject to the ACB’s right of first refusal, a mechanism by which the Los Guindos club ensures Sima’s continuity in Malaga next season 2024/2025, unless another team in these next two weeks make a formal offer that Unicaja cannot or will not match, which It would release his rights so that he can sign for that other club, which all sources claim is Dreamland Gran Canaria.

July 7, deadline

The dates as of now are as follows: “Granca” (or whoever) has a deadline of July 7 to present an offer for the player. From the day that this contractual proposal is presented to the ACB, Unicaja has five days to make a final decision: match it and keep the player or leave him free and sign for that other team that wants him. There would be a third way, which would be for Unicaja and Granca to negotiate compensation so that the green club releases its rights and withdraws from the bid, without having to exhaust those deadlines. The fourth option would be for Sima to go abroad, although the rights for the ACB would always be with Unicaja, in the event that the international center wanted to return to Spanish basketball in the future.

Yankuba Sima ends his contract with Unicaja this June. / ACBPHOTO/M.POZO

Sima’s doubts

The truth is that until Monday there was no final decision made by the club regarding Yankuba Sima. Since the season ended, there have been several conversations that the club has had with its agent and even the player as well. He has spoken on more than one occasion with Juanma Rodríguez, sports director, and with Ibon Navarro, coach, about the option of Sima renewing his contract with Unicaja.

The player does not see his role in the team clear, with David Kravish and Olek Balcerowski as position mates. Sima wants minutes and thinks that in the next Unicaja 24/25 project he may lose prominence, something that makes him doubt the continuity of him dressed in green and purple.

Last minute conversation

This past Monday, just a few hours before each club had to send the ACB the list of players subject to the right of first refusal, there was a last attempt between the parties to try to close the renewal. There was a last offer from Unicaja, a subsequent counteroffer from Sima’s agent… but without a cordial understanding between the parties which has led to the current situation of it being on the “tested” list.

Yankuba Sima arrived in the middle of the 2022/2023 season in Malaga. / ACBPhoto

It’s time for Dreamland Gran Canaria

Unicaja, by putting Sima on the scoresheet, shows that its interest in the player is real, although it will not be at any price. Now it is Gran Canaria that must demonstrate whether or not they are serious about their desire to sign Sima. There has been a lot of talk in Las Palmas about this possible operation in recent weeks, but now the time has come to stop talking and move on to the facts. It’s time to put the money on the table. Afterwards, it will be Unicaja that will assess whether it is worth matching the offer made by the Canaries in order to retain Sima or decide to discard the Catalan and look for other options in the market.

2024-06-25 12:11:21
#UNICAJA #Yankuba #Sima #player #wanted #Dreamland #Gran #Canaria #ACBs #refusal


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