University of Chile announces Cesar Henriquez as technical director

César Henríquez returns to the blues to carry out technical duties/Photo: Prensa Universidad de Chile

University of Chile was in the news on Thursday, after announcing the hiring of Cesar Henriquezwho is the new head football coach of the minor categories, in what will be his return to the blues, having been between 2015 and 2019.

«Cesar Henriquez takes over as technical head of our youth football. After a successful and important step through the Aspire Academy of Qatarhe ‘Kuki’ returns to the club to take on this important task in our training area,” said the León through a statement.

Highlight point

The executive will exercise the functions that he fulfilled Sebastian Mirandawho left the Blues at the end of December 2023, pointing out that he also has history with the Bullaafter having been a player for this club and being champion in the 2000 National Championship, Chilean Cup 2000 y 2004 National Apertura Championship.

About the incorporation of Cesar Henriquez the sports manager, Manuel Mayo He mentioned the following to the Blues’ press department: «César “He knows very well what the U means. He trained as a player, he made his professional debut here in different positions.”

Additional experience

It is worth mentioning that the former player was also a figure with Palestinian in 2005, O’Higgins in 2006, Sports Melipilla in 2007, America from Cali of Colombia in 2008, Panthrakikos of Greece between 2008 and 2009, concluding his career by returning to the Arabs in a cycle that ran from 2009 to 2014.

University of Chile will be ready to face the first leg of the quarterfinals of the Copa Chile on Friday, in regards to the regional phase San Antonio United fighting to transcend the four best in the north central zone.

Written by: Tomas Rincon

2024-06-27 23:38:36
#University #Chile #announces #Cesar #Henriquez #technical #director


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