Unraveling the Dark Secrets of Selena Moon: A Nymphomaniac’s Scheme

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nymphomaniac, chapter twenty seven !

baseball game . . .


Charlie Swan had heard the rumors about Selena Moon and her aggressive and rude attitude, and admitted that he didn’t want to acknowledge or give them credence at first because the girl looked harmless and appeared to be nice.

He even defended her after she saved his daughter from being run over.

But then Selena Moon caught Charlie Swan fighting with her daughter and trying to kill her, even though it seemed exaggerated, by trying to strangle her and drown her in a sink, of all places.

And now Selena Moon admitted to framing her daughter with a very serious accusation simply because she didn’t like her daughter, without a trace of remorse or guilt in her eyes as she admitted to doing the same thing to other people as well.

Only then could Charlie Swan understand the reason why Selena Moon was classified as a psychopath… And the police chief was not very excited to discover the reason why the black-haired woman with bangs and blue eyes was classified as a nymphomaniac.

“Me? Threatening a police officer? Of course not. How can you think that, Chief Swan?” Selena was brazen enough to mock Charlie as she watched Bella panic behind him. “I’m just saying that many may think less of you arresting a defenseless young woman, clearly abusing your power, when you have no proof of your accusations.” Selena smiled innocently as Charlie stared at her in disbelief. “It’s not my fault that your daughter was stupid enough to open an email that just happens to contain a video that belongs to me. That doesn’t mean I sent the email either, Chief.”

Charlie got very frustrated at that moment and Selena loved every second of it.

The elder Swan, despite his determination thanks to the anger that attacked him at the beginning, was not sure about proceeding because, in part, what Selena said was true: there were no fingerprints, DNA and much less recordings that proved that the aforementioned incriminated Bella. So far, it was all accusations and uncertain words in the middle of a girl fight that could not be taken seriously in a court.

“You can’t just try to kill my daughter and get away with it. I can’t allow that,” Charlie said desperately, amidst his anger, as he tightened his grip on the handcuffed wrists of the young psychopath in front of him.

2024-06-29 03:15:54
#NYMPHOMANIAC #edward #cullen #baseball #game


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