Unveiling the Luxurious “Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas” – Richard Branson’s Newest Jewel

The “Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas” on Mallorca is the newest jewel in Richard Branson’s hotel collection. The visionary is approachable and our author has to go straight to the tennis court with the billionaire to exchange blows, but is then allowed to relax in a casual, luxurious atmosphere.

A luxurious property with a hotel and three villas in a secluded location in the UNESCO World Heritage Serra de Tramuntana on Mallorca – that is the brief description of what awaits guests on this beautiful spot in the Mediterranean. And the owner alone is proof that the “Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas” offers something extraordinary: “Son Bunyola” is the latest jewel in the hotel collection of Sir Richard Branson, whose bold entrepreneurship and vision have made him a multi-billionaire.

The Briton, now 73 years old, has gradually and over decades acquired a number of exquisitely luxurious and extravagant holiday accommodations all over the world, such as the private island villa Branson Beach Estate on Moskito Island, the Kasbah Tamadot retreat in the Moroccan Atlas Mountains or the luxurious Ulusaba safari lodge on the edge of the Kruger National Park. He has brought them together in the “Virgin Limited Edition” as part of his “Virgin Group of Business Ventures”.

Lobby lounge: hardware and software in perfect condition.

(Foto: Virgin Limited Edition)

However, I am surprised that a word like “limited” even finds a place in Sir Branson’s business. This man seems to have very few limits, in a very positive sense, either in his professional or private life. What Branson has achieved so far is as well-known as it is astonishing – so it almost goes without saying that his accommodations are among the best you can find anywhere in the world.

Software and hardware perfect

I can confirm all of this. It was to be expected that the hotel, which will open in summer 2023, will be perfect in terms of software and hardware. Even my journey to the property – from the island’s capital Palma it is around 45 minutes to the tranquil village of Banyalbufar in a western valley of the Tramuntana Mountains – is magnificent. The drive takes me over narrow serpentines, I see the rugged shores of the nearby sea, and further past old olive trees that get older the closer I get to the property, which stands on an area of ​​1300 hectares. A truly original and idyllic piece of Mallorca. The gate to the hotel is a little hidden, then it goes down the mountain, and I enjoy the view over the tropical garden of the property for the first time. At the heart is the hotel, which has just 27 rooms including several suites. But there are also three detached luxury villas.

Deluxe Suite: Views of the sea and the Tramuntana Mountains.

(Foto: Virgin Limited Edition)

Everywhere the guest breathes history. The hotel is a carefully restored and extended finca from the 16th century, many old architectural elements have been preserved. It took Branson a while to turn a long-held dream into reality. He had bought the property in 1994, there were problems with the building permits, Branson sold it again, the dream continued to haunt him, in 2015 he bought it back – and got to work.

The Spanish firm Gras Architects worked for two years, restoring stone arches and coffered ceilings. Inside, where only a few changes were allowed due to official regulations, the design studio Rialto Living integrated Mallorcan works of art into the interior.

Tower suites with private roof terrace

The rooms – none of them are the same – are decorated in the Mallorcan style, with warm colors and fine fabrics and materials; they exude calm. I notice how carefully they have been restored and redesigned.

Tower Suite: with terrace on the tower roof.

(Foto: Virgin Limited Edition)

Two towers, one dating back to the 13th century, house tower suites with their own roof terraces. The former olive press has been converted into the “Sa Tafona” restaurant, and the historic terrace now houses the pool.

The three villas called “Sa Punta de S’Aguila”, “Sa Terra Rotja” and “Son Balagueret” offer even more privacy. They are spread over three floors, have up to five bedrooms with en-suite bathrooms and their own pools. “Sa Punta de S’Aguila”, for example, offers space for up to ten people in almost 700 square meters.

“Sa Punta de S’Aguila”: Private villa with almost 700 square meters of space.

(Foto: Virgin Limited Edition)

Yes, the spa is small, but there are a huge number of sports options. The sea can be reached in ten minutes with the hotel’s own shuttle, and you can also book trips to the golf courses in the area. There are two restaurants where you can eat, and “Sa Terrassa” is the perfect translation of the hotel’s design concept for me: the wine cabinets are intelligently installed, the lighting creates the right atmosphere, the fabrics fall as they should. Here I have the feeling that the interior designer has spent hours working on every square millimeter. Everything is right, everything is beautiful and aesthetic, right down to the two large palm fronds that greet me at the entrance to the restaurant.

Open, accessible, approachable, very personal

Restaurant “Sa Terrassa”: the design idea perfectly implemented.

(Foto: Virgin Limited Edition)

But what ultimately makes the difference to many comparable facilities is the owner. While he took so much time with “Son Bunyola”, he often completes his ventures in a hurry, almost addicted to records. For example, in 1986, when this visionary of the highest class made the fastest Atlantic crossing by boat with the “Atlantic Challenger”. Or a few years later, when he was the first to cross the Atlantic and Pacific in a hot air balloon. In the summer of 2021, the Brit won the “Space Race of the Billionaires”. Branson was the first person to fly into space with his own space company Virgin Galactic, leaving his billionaire colleagues Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos behind.

Treatment beds in the spa: small but nice.

(Foto: Virgin Limited Edition)

Branson is there when I visit “Son Bunyola”. At times he seems as if he is one of the guests himself, is interested in them, goes from table to table, talks to them, always greets new guests. Even the one to whom he offers a “high five” when he reveals himself to be a Branson fan. He asks me – just imagine – whether I would like to play a game of chess with him. Later on, a few shots on the tennis court follow.

The man is open, approachable, approachable, very personal – just like his hotel is run. That is the difference that he has already created, as a non-hotelier, compared to all his colleagues with hotels of comparable quality who are much more buttoned up. They should take a big leaf out of Branson’s book of a smart hotelier. And in doing so, realize that they themselves are primarily responsible for making a hotel something very special. For me, who has met so many impressive people in my life, meeting the visionary was an experience that will have a lasting impact. I, for one, will return to “Son Bunyola.” To Sir Richard and his dream come true.

They are Bunyola

Resort Name: Son Bunyola Hotel & Villas
Country: Spain
Region: Mallorca
Best time to travel: April to September
Zielflughafen: Son San Juan Airport, Palma
Transfer time: Approximately 45 minutes
Room price per night: Villas from 1980 euros without meals to 5625 euros all inclusive, rooms from about 1000 euros
Special recommendation: The mountainous landscape is ideal for hiking and cycling. A stroll through the idyllic village of Banyalbufar. A visit to the island’s capital Palma, the journey only takes 45 minutes – well worth it.

Rath’s travel rating (current rating in bold):

1. Great cinema
2. If only it were always like this
3. High level, with a few weaknesses
4. So lala, nicht oh, there, there
5. Better than a hostel
6. Explicit travel warning

About the author: As a former grand hotelier and operator of the travel platform www.travelgrand.ch, Carsten K. Rath is a globetrotter by profession. He visits all the hotels he writes about for ntv.de on his own account.

Rath is the originator of the ranking www.die-101-besten.com and is also the author of the book “The 101 Best Hotels in Germany”, which will be published together with “Capital” in the future.

2024-06-23 04:08:57
#Rath #world #Mallorca #euros #night #including #tennis #Richard #Branson


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