Unveiling the Secrets of Archery: An Interview with Manuel Fuentes Dols, President of CICA Alnadur

Interview > Manuel Fuentes Dols / President of CICA Alnadur (Santa Pola, May 22, 1960)

Archery has a strong and deep-rooted tradition in our town, in part thanks to the Alnadur Ilicitano Bow Hunting Club Association (CICA), made up of about eighty members. Olympic sport, its origin comes from the use of this weapon as a hunting and war instrument, becoming obsolete with the appearance of firearms.

Without a doubt, since the beginning of history, humans have used archery, now primarily as a sport. Manuel Fuentes Dols, long-serving president of the entity, will reveal many of the secrets of this very mental activity.

The objective is to get as close to the center of the target as possible to obtain a higher score. There are five types: recurve, compound, standard, naked and traditional bows, and regarding measurements, “the so-called Olympic ’round’ is used, 72 arrows at seventy meters.”

What are the secrets of archery?

The great coaches point out that the material is ten percent and the rest is in the mind, the goalkeeper himself. It is a very mental sport in which, if one day you arrive badly, the fifty meters to the target become five hundred.

A good goalkeeper, what qualities should he have?

Ideally, when you get to the firing line, you can disconnect from absolutely everything around you; nothing can distract him. Likewise, depending on the modality, a lot of physical training and a little meditation is necessary.

«As it is such a mental sport, if one day you are bad, the fifty meters to the target become five hundred»

Does archery develop skills?

Of course! Mainly mental activity, I insist. Also the physical part, but in this case we must take into account that we only use one area of ​​our body.

When was your association created?

In 1987, under the name of Club Ilicitano de Caza con Arco (CICA), a name that we plan to change because we are no longer in Elche, but in Santa Pola. I joined two years later, in 1989, and I have been president for twelve years.

We are about eighty members, but not all of them are from here, as we have many Swedes, Norwegians and Azerbaijanis, who come to spend the summer season and train.

Were you close to disappearing?

No. It is true that there have been difficult times, in which we were only ten or twelve partners, but we have fought hard to maintain ourselves, thanks to the good work of the most veterans. I want to emphasize that the current moment is one of our best.

«The best archers, depending on the modality, are the Americans and the Koreans»

What activities do you carry out?

Recently we have attended two contests, one of them for the outdoor league -organized by ourselves- with the participation of 140 contestants. The other, managed by a club from Elche, was also held in our facilities, which are one of the best in the entire Valencian Community.

In winter, when we cannot shoot outdoors, we practice indoor shooting, and we have also had a school, with children eager to get started in our sport.

Where do the best archers come from?

From different countries. It also depends on the modality: for example, in the compound bow the best are the Americans, while in the Olympic recurve some Americans stand out, but the hegemony is held by the Koreans, with a high level of concentration.

We, specifically this area, have had world and European champions. Right now we are far away; it takes a lot of investment.

What position are we Valencians in?

The Valencian Archery Federation is a bit atypical, because the Higher Sports Council grants subsidies depending on the Olympic modalities you have and the athletes who practice it.

We participate at the national level with, usually, very good results. Without going any further, last year we obtained – with Eugenio Bigorra – a sixth place in Composite 50+.

«The association is made up of about eighty members, with the presence of Swedes, Norwegians and Azerbaijanis»

They surpass us…

It is distributed. In Olympic recurve the best archers are in the region of Galicia, while in compound bow there are excellent shooters in Andalusia, Catalonia or Madrid.

Is the future of the association assured?

Yes, as long as its ‘alma mater’ continues to exist, which are Joaquín Soler Andreu (secretary), the aforementioned Eugenio Bigorra, Juan José Alfocea, Alana Albadalejo, Manuel Javier Gracia -all of them members-, and myself.

Only one of the original founders remains, which is José Vicente Ballesteros. A few months ago the city council had the good fortune to name the shooting range after him, an honor of which we are very satisfied.

Why should children practice this sport?

Because it can give them a lot of discipline and training, which is always good. Let’s remember that, depending on the discipline, if you leave it for three months, you have lost everything: technique, shooting posture, which is like an art.

2024-06-07 05:39:02
#mind #sport


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