Urban Transformation: Faenza’s Ongoing Development Projects

The city that changes and transforms. So in addition to the advertising panels of the ‘Fare Faenza’ campaign that tell the story of urban regeneration projects, in the same way, almost everywhere in the city there are already construction sites that are starting up or in the process of being continued for some of the many public works planned. Construction sites that will not be suspended during the summer period and that will continue until the projects are completed.

In Piazzale Battisti, where the train station is located, the redevelopment works that began a year ago are underway. The connecting roundabout built in place of the former driveway gate of Via Scalo Merci is already visible, as well as a rough structure adjacent to the station that will be used to house the bicycle station. The new bus terminal will also be built there, which will be moved from Viale delle Ceramiche, and a new parking lot is planned for the square in front of the goods station. The work will then proceed with the resurfacing of the entire square up to the roundabout where the ceramic “Cube” by Zauli stands. A project, that of the redevelopment of the Faenza station area, worth 2 million and 355 thousand euros, financed for 875 thousand euros by the Region through the 2018 urban regeneration call, and with 1 million and 500 thousand euros of municipal resources provided through a loan from Cassa Depositi e Prestiti. In the Graziola area, construction work began a few weeks ago on the Cittadella dello Sport, a 4 million euro project financed with over 3 million in PNRR resources. The old main entrance where Viale Atleti Azzurri d’Italia is located has in fact been closed by large scaffolding and access to the sports complex is only permitted from the ‘archers’ area’. From there, you can reach the athletics track, which will be the last area affected by the work. For the moment, excavators and cranes are only working in the western area where the baseball field is located, but in a few weeks the construction site will also affect the other areas of the facility, as completion is scheduled for September 2025. A separate chapter then concerns the asphalting of the roads. On Monday, asphalting work will begin on Via Canal Grande. A project supported by Hera and which will see intervention from the Passatore roundabout to the traffic light on Via Costa. And from July 3, the asphalting work will resume on the streets of the Forese: via San Vincenzo, via Palazzone and a stretch of via Fabbrerie near the intersection with the Ravegnana. A lot worth 1 million and 250 thousand euros, identical in amount to the other two lots that will concern the mountain side and city center roads. Regarding the work on the mountain side, work has already been done on via Firenze and viale Marconi but in two weeks the asphalting of the Orto Bertoni area will proceed, including the cemetery parking lot and the San Biagio area. In addition, in mid-July the asphalting of via Verdi, via Granarolo, via Almisano and via del Lupo will proceed, a project recently approved by the Council. As regards the city center lot, the tender has been awarded, but at least in that case the start of the work will have to wait until the end of the summer.

Damian Ventura

2024-06-29 04:37:07
#construction #sites #stop #summer #work


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